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‘Machine learning’

Water Potability Prediction with Machine Learning

This study aims to build a machine learning tool for rural areas to predict the quality of their water.

Posted by buchanle on Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 in May 2024, , ,

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Real-time Machine Learning Detection of Water Pollution using Convolutional Neural Networks

The following paper aims to explore how machine-learning techniques like Convolutional Neural Networks and MultiLayer Perceptron can be used to leverage real-time monitoring data to provide early warning systems for water pollution events, enabling timely response and intervention.

Posted by buchanle on Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 in May 2024, , ,

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Enhancing Major Depressive Disorder Detection: A Robust Text-Classification Approach using Machine Learning

The objective of the study is to develop a machine learning model that accurately detects Major Depressive Disorder from social media posts

Posted by buchanle on Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 in May 2024, , , , ,

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A Machine Learning Method to Achieve High Accuracy in Galaxy and AGN Classification using Photometric Data

Machine learning enhances active galactic nuclei classification by leveraging photometric data from extensive astronomical surveys.

Posted by buchanle on Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 in May 2024, , , , ,

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Detection of cyberbullying comments in tweets

XGBoost classifier can be used for cyberbullying detection on social media platforms like Twitter.

Posted by John Lee on Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 in May 2023, , , , ,

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Employing Machine Learning Techniques and Frameworks to Aid with Automotive Design

Modifying existing machine learning techniques and architectures to design a new generative model tailored to automotive design.

Posted by John Lee on Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 in May 2023, , , ,

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Automated diagnosis of 7 retinal diseases with convolutional neural networks in a dataset of 2,234 eye images

Automated diagnosis of retinal disease with convolutional neural networks achieving a validation F1-score accuracy of 96% and 95% on cataracts and pathological myopia respectively.

Posted by John Lee on Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 in May 2023, , ,

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Determining the value of a cricket player: Does bowling ability have a greater effect on the rating of a cricket player than batting ability?

Using machine learning to analyze and compare how different variables affect the rating of a cricket player

Posted by John Lee on Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 in May 2023, , , ,

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Developing cheaper and safer non-weather-based AI models for microgrid demand and supply forecasting in rural areas

This study examines how to make microgrid scheduling using AI forecasting methods simpler, cheaper, and safer using alternative sources of data other than weather data, in order to accelerate the spread of solar power in rural areas.

Posted by John Lee on Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 in May 2023, , , , ,

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Providing Recommendations on Combating Climate Change Through Data Driven Analysis

This study applies data science techniques in order to recommend further action toward combating climate change.

Posted by John Lee on Friday, May 19th, 2023 in May 2023, , ,

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Removing Dark Region Artifacts using Deep Neural Networks with a Hyperparameter Search

This study used deep neural networks to remove dark region artifacts in order to create clearer ultrasound images.

Posted by John Lee on Wednesday, May 19th, 2021 in May 2021, , ,

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Integrating ligand- and receptor-based descriptors in deep neural network QSAR

We demonstrated the functionality of a novel drug discovery technique in a proof-of-concept study.

Posted by John Lee on Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020 in May 2019, , , , ,

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Development of a Machine Learning Algorithm for the Prediction of Enhancer Region Activity

A machine learning algorithm was programmed and optimized to predict the activity of enhancer regions of DNA.

Posted by John Lee on Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020 in May 2018, , , , ,

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