A Multi-User Collaborative Game Created to Improve Cognitive and Physical Aspects and Socialization Skills of Individuals with Dementia
A multi-user collaborative game was created to improve the socialization skills and cognitive aspects of individuals with dementia.
Posted by John Lee on Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020 in May 2018, Dementia, Razer Hydra, Unity
Development of an Intelligent, Real-time, Heart Rate Sensitive Virtual Reality System
A real-time analysis of the anxiety level of a subject was predicted by a virtual reality system based on the subject’s heart rate
Posted by Printess Berry on Thursday, August 27th, 2015 in May 2012, Autism programming, heart rate, real-time, Virtual reality
Interfacing of Kinect Motion Sensor and NAO Humanoid Robot for Imitation Learning
Authors: Melissa Guo Shuvajit Das Jacob Bumpus Esubalew Bekele and Nilanjan Sarkar
Posted by Printess Berry on Tuesday, August 25th, 2015 in May 2013, robot imitation learning, Robotics autism, spectrum disorder
The Development of a Robot-Assisted Joint Attention Training System for Children with Autism
This research aims to help children with autism develop their social skills.
Posted by Greta Clinton-Selin on Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 in May 2015, autism spectrum disorder, Joint Attention, Robotics