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Professor David Hess publishes with graduate student Jonathan Coley in Public Understanding of Science

Oct. 28, 2014—Professor Hess and Jonathan Coley published “Wireless Smart Meters and Public Acceptance:  The Environment, Limited Choices, and Precautionary Politics” in the 2014 Public Understanding of Science 23: 688-702.

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Katharine Donato gave the Plenary Lecture at the 3rd Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration, Tel Aviv, Israel

Jun. 7, 2014—Katharine Donato gave the Plenary Lecture at the 3rd Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel in May 2014.

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Professor Christie-Mizell publishes with graduate students Laster and Dagadu in Sociological Spectrum.

Nov. 12, 2013—Professor Christie-Mizell has a forthcoming article with graduate students Laster and Dagadu, “The Use of Psychiatric Medication, Human Capital, and the Amplification of Mistrust” in Sociological Spectrum.

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Professors Isaac and Cornfield with graduate student Coley publish in Research in Social Movements, Conflicts, and Change.

Nov. 2, 2013—Professors Isaac and Cornfield with graduate student Coley publish “Movement Schools’ and Dialogical Diffusion of Nonviolent Praxis: Nashville Workshops in the Southern Civil Rights Movement” in Research in Social Movements, Conflicts, and Change.

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Professor Murray publishes in Sociological Focus.

Sep. 26, 2013—Professor Murray publishes “Why They Juice: The Role of Social Forces in Performance Enhancing Drug Use by Professional Athletes” with Arnout Van de Rijt and John M. Shandra in Sociological Focus.

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Professor Lloyd publishes in Annual Review of Sociology.

Aug. 1, 2013—Professor Lloyd publishes “Urbanization and the Southern United States” in Annual Review of Sociology.

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Professors Brown and Donato with graduate students Bell and Duncan publish in Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health.

Jun. 1, 2013—Professors Brown and Donato with graduate students Bell and Duncan publish “Mental Health Status: The Importance of Race, Nativity, and Cultural Influences” in Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health.

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Professor Kelner publishes in Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education.

Mar. 28, 2013—Professor Kelner published “Historical Perspectives on Diaspora Homeland Tourism: ‘Israel Experience’ Education in the 1950s and 1960s” in Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education.

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Professor Campbell publishes in Social Forces.

Sep. 1, 2012—Professor Campbell publishes “Reflections on Conceptualizing and Measuring Tie Strength” with Peter Marsden in Social Forces, as an invited piece for the 90th anniversary of the journal.

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Professor Tyson Brown publishes in The Review of Black Political Economy.

Jun. 1, 2012—Professor Tyson Brown publishes “The Intersection and Accumulation of Racial and Gender Inequality: Black Women’s Wealth Trajectories” in The Review of Black Political Economy.

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