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Community mourns death of Ernest Campbell, former chair of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Jul. 28, 2013—Ernest Q. Campbell, professor emeritus of sociology, former chair of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, and dean emeritus of the Graduate School at Vanderbilt University, died July 28 at his home in Nashville.
Pallavi Banerjee has an article published for Ms. Magazine blog on June 19, 2013, titled "An Immigrant Wife’s Place? In the Home, According to Visa Policy".
Jun. 19, 2013—Pallavi Banerjee has an article published for Ms. Magazine blog on June 19, 2013, titled “An Immigrant Wife’s Place? In the Home, According to Visa Policy”. Click here for the full story.
Professors Brown and Donato with graduate students Bell and Duncan publish in Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health.
Jun. 1, 2013—Professors Brown and Donato with graduate students Bell and Duncan publish “Mental Health Status: The Importance of Race, Nativity, and Cultural Influences” in Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health.
Prof. Karen Campbell is awarded the Katherine Jocher-Belle Boone Beard Award from the Southern Sociological Society in 2013
Apr. 14, 2013—Prof. Karen Campbell is awarded the Katherine Jocher-Belle Boone Beard Award from the Southern Sociological Society in 2013. The award recognizes distinguished scholarly contributions to the understanding of gender and society.
Prof. Katharine M. Donato is quoted in the New York Times focusing on the changes in Mexican immigration to the United States
Apr. 4, 2013—Katharine Donato is quoted in the New York Times on April 4, 2013, which features a story focusing on the changes in Mexican immigration to the United States. Click here for the full story.
Professor Kelner publishes in Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education.
Mar. 28, 2013—Professor Kelner published “Historical Perspectives on Diaspora Homeland Tourism: ‘Israel Experience’ Education in the 1950s and 1960s” in Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education.
Prof. Richard Lloyd is quoted in the New York Times about rising Nashville vocal artist
Mar. 15, 2013—Richard Lloyd is quoted in the New York Times on March 17, 2013, which features a story focusing Kasey Musgraves rising as a vocal artist. Richard Lloyd studies the Nashville music scene. Click here for the full article.
Prof. Daniel Cornfield collaborated in the preparation of a background report for Metro Nashville Government's social policy planning program
Feb. 25, 2013—Daniel Cornfield collaborated with VU law professor Alistair Newbern and the Nashville for All of Us coalition in the preparation of “Partnering for an Equitable and Inclusive Nashville,” a Background Report on Equity & Inclusion for NashvilleNext, Metro Nashville Government’s 25-year social policy planning program. The report was released by Metro Nashville Government on February...
Professor Campbell publishes in Social Forces.
Sep. 1, 2012—Professor Campbell publishes “Reflections on Conceptualizing and Measuring Tie Strength” with Peter Marsden in Social Forces, as an invited piece for the 90th anniversary of the journal.
Professor Tyson Brown publishes in The Review of Black Political Economy.
Jun. 1, 2012—Professor Tyson Brown publishes “The Intersection and Accumulation of Racial and Gender Inequality: Black Women’s Wealth Trajectories” in The Review of Black Political Economy.