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Professor Shaul Kelner receives fellowship from the Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan

Jan. 29, 2015—Professor Shaul Kelner will spend Spring 2016 as a Fellow of the Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan. The Institute’s 2015-16 theme is Secularization/Sacralization. Prof. Kelner will work on a book project that examines the intersections of religion and politics in the Cold War-era movement to secure emigration rights for Soviet Jews....

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Professor Laura Carpenter publishes with former graduate student, Heather Hensman Kettrey The Journal of Sex Research

Jan. 28, 2015—Laura M. Carpenter and Heather H. Kettrey published “(Im)perishable Pleasure, (In)destructible Desire: Sexual Themes in US and English News Coverage of Male Circumcision and Female Genital Cutting” in The Journal of Sex Research.

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Professor Katharine Donato publishes with former graduate student, Blake Sisk in Journal of Migration and Human Security

Jan. 25, 2015—Katharine Donato and Blake Sisk published “Unlocking Human Dignity: A Plan to Transform the US Immigrant Detention System” in Journal of Migration and Human Security.

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Professor Richard Pitt receives a sabbatical grant from the Louisville Institute

Jan. 10, 2015—Professor Pitt receives sabbatical funding for his project, Church Planters:  Orientations, Opportunities, and Outcomes of Religion Entrepreneurship.  For more information:  

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Practice Job Talk: Jarrett ThibodeauxThursday, December 4, 2014 – 4:15pm 209 Garland Hall

Dec. 5, 2014—  Practice Job Talk: Jarrett Thibodeaux Thursday, December 4, 2014 – 4:15 pm 209 Garland Hall Link for Flyer      

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Professor Dan Cornfield is quoted in Fusion about Immigrant Contributions to Nashville

Nov. 24, 2014—

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