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Professor Evelyn Patterson publishes with former graduate student Helena Dagadu in ASA Journal, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity.

Jul. 23, 2015—Professor Evelyn Patterson with former graduate student Helena Dagadu published “Fractures in the Color Line: Consequences of Constructions of Race and Ethnicity on Measures of Imprisonment” in ASA Journal, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity.

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The American Sociological Review, edited by Professors Larry Isaac and Holly McCammon, is once again ranked #1 among all sociology journals. 

Jul. 21, 2015—In the newly released Journal Citation Reports (JCR) for articles published in 2014, the ASR had the top impact factor score of 4.390.

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Professor Katharine M. Donato and graduate students Bhumika Piya, and Anna Jacobs received the 2014 IPUMS Research Award for the Best Publication on International Research for the following paper, published in International Migration Review.

Jul. 7, 2015—Donato, Katharine M., Bhumika Piya, and Anna Jacobs.  2014. “The Double Disadvantage Reconsidered:  Gender, Immigration, Marital Status, and Global Labor Force Participation in the 21st Century.” International Migration Review S1(Fall): S335-376.  

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Professor Holly J. McCammon publishes with graduate students Erin M. Bergner, and Sandra C. Arch in Mobilization

Jul. 2, 2015—Holly J. McCammon, Erin M. Bergner, and Sandra C. Arch published “’Are You One of Those Women?’: Within-Movement Conflict, Radical Flank Effects, and Social Movement Political Outcomes” in Mobilization 20(2):157-78.

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Professor Evelyn Patterson publishes in Law & Society Review.

Jun. 18, 2015—Professor Patterson publishes “Hidden Disparities: Decomposing Inequalities in Time Served in California, 1985-2009” in Law & Society Review.

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Professor Joshua Murray publishes in Global Networks.

Jun. 18, 2015—Professor Murray publishes “Evidence of a Transnational Capitalist Class-for-Itself:  The Determinants of PAC Activity among Foreign Firms in the Global Fortune 500, 2000-2006” in Global Networks.

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