About the Undergraduate Program
The undergraduate program in the Department of Mathematics is one of the largest in Vanderbilt’s College of Arts and Science in terms of the number of majors and credit hours taught. It provides many opportunities for immersion in mathematics beyond the approximately 150 classes offered each year.
Students may choose to pursue an honors program, engage in research, and participate in a variety of extracurricular activities such as the Math Club, Undergraduate Seminar, Vandy Quant Club, and Actuarial Science Club. We also have active chapters of Pi Mu Epsilon (the national mathematics honor society) and the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM).
The Math Department offers help with our undergraduate courses at the Calculus Café. Click here to learn more, or see the flyers below.
Our faculty include three winners of the prestigious Jeffrey Nordhaus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, and we take pride in the fact that more than 100 mathematics majors are graduating annually. Learn more about our many exciting programs and opportunities by navigating the tabs on this page.

Updated HC, Feb 13, 2024