Volume 63 Category
The Quasi-Class Action Method of Managing Multi-District Litigation: Problems and a Proposal
Feb. 3, 2010—This Article uses three recent multi-district litigations ("MDLs") that produced massive settlements-Guidant ($240 million), Vioxx ($4.85 billion), and Zyprexa($700 million)-to study the emerging quasi-class action approach to MDL management. This approach has four components: (1) judicial selection of lead attorneys, (2) judicial control of lead attorneys’ compensation, (3) forced fee transfers from non-lead lawyers to...
Cooperative Interbranch Federalism: Certification of State-Law Questions by Federal Agencies
Feb. 3, 2010—When an unresolved state-law question arises in federal court, the court may certify it to the relevant state court. The practice of certification from one court to another has been widely adopted and has been touted as “help[ing] build a cooperative judicial federalism.” This Article proposes that states promote cooperative interbranch federalism by allowing federal...