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Constitutional Cacophony: Federal Circuit Splits and the Fourth Amendment

Oct. 24, 2012—Despite their many differences, Americans have long been bound by a shared sense of constitutional commonality. Federal constitutional rights, however, can and do often vary based on geographic location, and a chief source of this variation stems from an unexpected origin: the nation’s federal circuit courts of appeals. While a rich literature exists on federal...

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Angry Judges

Oct. 24, 2012—Judges get angry. Law, however, is of two minds as to whether they should; more importantly, it is of two minds as to whether judges’ anger should influence their behavior and decisionmaking. On the one hand, anger is the quintessentially judicial emotion. It involves appraisal of wrongdoing, attribution of blame, and assignment of punishment—precisely what...

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A Regulatory Design for Monetary Stability

Oct. 24, 2012—This Article proposes a unified regulatory approach to the issuance of “money-claims”—a generic term that refers to fixed-principal, very short-term IOUs, excluding trade credit. The instability of this market is arguably the central problem for financial regulatory policy. Yet our existing regulatory system lacks a coherent approach to this market. The Article proposes a public-private...

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Mass Torts and Due Process

May. 31, 2012—Almost all courts and scholars disfavor the use of class actions in mass tort litigation because class actions infringe on each plaintiff’s control, or autonomy, over the tort claim. The Supreme Court, in fact, has strongly suggested that protecting litigant autonomy is a requirement of due process and has done so in recent decisions concerning...

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Delegating Supremacy?

May. 31, 2012—Under the Supreme Court’s preemption doctrine, federal agencies may preempt state law in much the same way that Congress can. While the Supremacy Clause clearly empowers Congress to preempt state law, administrative preemption rests on the undertheorized assumption that Congress may “delegate supremacy” to agencies. This Article challenges the constitutionality of that premise and offers...

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Reinventing Sovereignty?: Federalism as a Constraint on the Voting Rights Act

May. 31, 2012—The framers of the U.S. Constitution wrote the Elections Clause to address concerns that the states would fail to call congressional elections and weaken the already fragile new government. The Clause is a delegation of sovereignty from the states to the federal government because, although states select the “time, place, and manner of elections,” Congress...

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