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Contextualizing Patent Disclosure

Nov. 28, 2016—Contextualizing Patent Disclosure ABSTRACT One of the main justifications for a patent system is that patents disclose useful technical information that others can learn from. However, patents are not performing this function well. The average patent is written in legalese, uses vague language, and is hard to connect to commercial activity. Legal scholars have responded...

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Tribute to Elizabeth Chitwood

Oct. 17, 2016—Tribute to Elizabeth Chitwood TRIBUTE Elizabeth “Beth” Chitwood was one of the newest members of the Vanderbilt Law Review. Our community mourns her unexpected loss and is grateful for the time we were able to share with her. The following Tribute briefly highlights Beth’s contributions to the Vanderbilt Law community and the Vanderbilt Law Review....

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Normalizing Erie

Oct. 17, 2016—Normalizing Erie ABSTRACT This Article argues that the Erie doctrine should be normalized by bringing it into line with ordinary doctrines of federalism. Under ordinary federalism doctrines—such as the dormant commerce clause, implied preemption, federal preclusion law, and certain special “enclaves” of federal common law—courts will displace state law to protect federal interests even when neither...

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Agencies’ Obligation to Interpret the Statute

Oct. 17, 2016—Agencies’ Obligation to Interpret the Statute ABSTRACT Conventionally, when a statute delegates authority to an agency, courts defer to agency interpretations of that statute. Most agencies and scholars view such deference as a grant of permission to the agency to adopt any reasonable interpretation. That is wrong, jurisprudentially and ethically. An agency that commands deference...

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The Failed Superiority Experiment

Oct. 17, 2016—The Failed Superiority Experiment ABSTRACT Federal law requires a class action be “superior to alternative methods for fairly and efficiently adjudicating the controversy.” This superiority requirement has gone unstudied, despite existing for half a century. This Article undertakes a comprehensive review of the superiority case law. It reveals a jurisprudence riddled with inconsistency as courts...

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Supreme Court Repeaters

Oct. 17, 2016—Supreme Court Repeaters ABSTRACT A case that receives cert once is special. A case that receives cert twice is truly exceptional. This Article is the first to examine the phenomenon of “Supreme Court Repeaters.” Although Repeaters may seem like mere curiosities, they are actually a valuable part of the Supreme Court’s docket. Our analysis reveals...

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The Customer Is Not Always Right: Balancing Worker and Customer Welfare in Antitrust Law

Oct. 17, 2016—The Customer Is Not Always Right Balancing Worker and Customer Welfare in Antitrust Law ABSTRACT A natural consequence of employer restraints of trade that decrease wages is lower prices. Under antitrust law, courts evaluate most such restraints of trade under the rule of reason. This Note argues that the rule of reason’s focus on consumer...

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I See Dead People: Examining the Admissibility of Living-Victim Photographs in Murder Trials

Oct. 17, 2016—I See Dead People Examining the Admissibility of Living-Victim Photographs in Murder Trials ABSTRACT This Note examines the problems with the rising yet underexplored trend in state evidence law of “Living-Victim Photo Statutes.” Photographs of a victim while alive would be—and often have been—excluded from evidence during a trial as lacking relevance or being unfairly...

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Introduction: Is the Supreme Court Failing at Its Job, or Are We Failing at Ours?

May. 25, 2016—Introduction: Is the Supreme Court Failing at Its Job, or Are We Failing at Ours? AUTHOR Herman O. Loewenstein Professor of Law, Vanderbilt University.

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Thinking About the Supreme Court’s Successes and Failures

May. 25, 2016—Thinking About the Supreme Court’s Successes and Failures AUTHOR Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law, Raymond Pryke Professor of First Amendment Law, University of California, Irvine School of Law.

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Rethinking Judicial Minimalism: Abortion Politics, Party Polarization, and the Consequences of Returning the Constitution to Elected Government

May. 25, 2016—Rethinking Judicial Minimalism: Abortion Politics, Party Polarization, and the Consequences of Returning the Constitution to Elected Government AUTHOR Sandra Day O’Connor Professor of Law and Professor of Government, College of William & Mary. This paper is an outgrowth both of conversations with Caitlin Borgmann and of remarks I made at the June 2015 Privacy Discussion...

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A Tribute to Justice Scalia: Why Bad Cases Make Bad Methodology

May. 25, 2016—A Tribute to Justice Scalia: Why Bad Cases Make Bad Methodology AUTHOR Professor of Law, Vanderbilt University Law School. J.D., 2000, Harvard Law School.

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Letter To Supreme Court (Erwin Chemerinsky is Mad. Why You Should Care.)

May. 25, 2016—Letter To Supreme Court (Erwin Chemerinsky is Mad. Why You Should Care.) AUTHOR Jacob D. Fuchsberg Professor of Law at New York University School of Law. Thanks to Randy Barnett, Josh Blackman, Orin Kerr, Rick Pildes, and Maria Ponomarenko for comments on a prior draft. Special thanks to Erwin Chemerinsky, a friend throughout my professional...

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Three Supreme Court “Failures” and a Story of Supreme Court Success

May. 25, 2016—Three Supreme Court “Failures” and a Story of Supreme Court Success AUTHOR Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Faculty Development, University of Richmond School of Law. Thanks to the faculty of Vanderbilt Law School, particularly Suzanna Sherry, for the insightful comments and questions I received while workshopping this piece there. Special thanks to Eric...

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The Broken-Hearted Lover: Erwin Chemerinsky’s Romantic Longings for a Mythical Court

May. 25, 2016—The Broken-Hearted Lover: Erwin Chemerinsky’s Romantic Longings for a Mythical Court AUTHOR Associate Professor of Political Science and Lecturer in Law, University of Chicago.

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The Supreme Court in Context: Conceptual, Pragmatic, and Institutional

May. 25, 2016—The Supreme Court in Context: Conceptual, Pragmatic, and Institutional AUTHOR University Professor of Law and Political Science, Vanderbilt University.

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