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Delimiting Title VII: Reverse Religious Discrimination and Proxy Claims in Employment Discrimination Litigation

Jan. 22, 2014—Delimiting Title VII: Reverse Religious Discrimination and Proxy Claims in Employment Discrimination Litigation

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Multiple-Agency Delegations & One-Agency Chevron

Jan. 22, 2014—Multiple-Agency Delegations & One-Agency Chevron

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Be a Liar or You’re Fired! First Amendment Protection for Public Employees Who Object to Their Employer’s Criminal Demands

Oct. 29, 2013—Be a Liar or You’re Fired! First Amendment Protection for Public Employees Who Object to Their Employer’s Criminal Demands

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Your Right to Look Like an Ugly Criminal: Resolving the Circuit Split Over Mug Shots and the Freedom of Information Act

Oct. 29, 2013—Your Right to Look Like an Ugly Criminal: Resolving the Circuit Split Over Mug Shots and the Freedom of Information Act

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Seeing Through the Murky Vial: Does the FDA Have the Authority to Stop Compounding Pharmacies from Pirate Manufacturing?

Oct. 29, 2013—Seeing Through the Murky Vial: Does the FDA Have the Authority to Stop Compounding Pharmacies from Pirate Manufacturing?

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