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Toward a Definitive History of Griggs v. Duke Power, Co.

Jan. 22, 2014—Toward a Definitive History of Griggs v. Duke Power Co.

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Screening Legal Claims Based on Third-Party Litigation Finance Agreements and Other Signals of Quality

Nov. 24, 2013—Screening Legal Claims Based on Third-Party Litigation Finance Agreements and Other Signals of Quality

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Setting Attorney’s Fees in Securities Class Actions: An Empirical Assessment

Nov. 24, 2013—Setting Attorneys’ Fees in Securities Class Actions: An Empirical Assessment

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Understanding Causation in Private Securities Lawsuits: Building on Amgen

Nov. 24, 2013—Understanding Causation in Private Securities Lawsuits: Building on Amgen

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The Fraud-on-the-Market Tort

Nov. 24, 2013—The Fraud-on-the-Market Tort

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Fee Shifting and the Free Market

Nov. 24, 2013—Fee Shifting and the Free Market

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Duty in the Litigation-Investment Agreement: The Choice Between Tort and Contract Norms when the Deal Breaks Down

Nov. 24, 2013—Duty in the Litigation-Investment Agreement: The Choice Between Tort and Contract Norms when the Deal Breaks Down

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How Much Is That Lawsuit in the Window? Pricing Legal Claims

Nov. 24, 2013—How Much Is That Lawsuit in the Window? Pricing Legal Claims

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What Should We Do About Multijurisdictional Litigation in M&A Deals?

Nov. 24, 2013—What Should We Do About Multijurisdictional Litigation in M&A Deals?

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The Fourth Amendment’s National Security Exception: Its History and Limits

Oct. 29, 2013—The Fourth Amendment’s National Security Exception: Its History and Limits

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Copyright Freeconomics

Oct. 29, 2013—Copyright Freeconomics

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The Chilling Effect and the Problem of Private Action

Oct. 29, 2013—The Chilling Effect and the Problem of Private Action

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General Jurisdiction, “Corporate Separateness,” and the Rule of Law

Sep. 26, 2013—General Jurisdiction, “Corporate Separateness,” and the Rule of Law Burt Neuborne, Inez Milholland Professor of Civil Liberties, New York University School of Law; Legal Director, Brennan Center for Justice

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Jurisdictional Imputation in DaimlerChrysler AG v. Bauman

Sep. 26, 2013—Jurisdictional Imputation in DaimlerChrysler AG v. Bauman: A Bridge Too Far Linda J. Silberman, Martin Lipton Professor of Law, New York University School of Law

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The Market for Preclusion in Merger Litigation

May. 23, 2013—The recent finding that corporate litigation involving Delaware companies very often takes place outside of Delaware disturbed the long-settled understanding of how merger litigation works. With many, even most, cases being filed and ultimately resolved outside of Delaware, commentators warn that the trend is a threat to shareholders, to Delaware, and to the integrity of...

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Against Proportional Punishment

May. 23, 2013—The Supreme Court has held that pretrial detainees are presumed innocent and that their detention does not constitute punishment. If convicted, however, detainees usually receive credit at sentencing for the time they spent in detention. We reduce their punishment by time spent unpunished. Crediting time served conflicts with the commonly held view that punishment should...

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