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Regulating Offshore Finance

Jan. 28, 2019—Regulating-Offshore-Finance From the Panama Papers to the Paradise Papers, massive document leaks in recent years have exposed trillions of dollars hidden in small offshore jurisdictions. Attracting foreign capital with low tax rates and environments of secrecy, a growing number of offshore jurisdictions have emerged as major financial havens hosting thousands of hedge funds, trusts, banks,...

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Wealth-Based Penal Disenfranchisement

Jan. 28, 2019—Wealth-Based-Penal-Disenfranchisement This Article offers the first comprehensive examination of the way in which the inability to pay economic sanctions—fines, fees, surcharges, and restitution—may prevent people of limited means from voting. The Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of penal disenfranchisement upon conviction, and all but two states revoke the right to vote for at least...

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Boilerplate and the Impact of Disclosure in Securities Dealmaking

Jan. 28, 2019—Boilerplate-and-the-Impact-of-Disclosure-in-Securities-Dealmaking Capital markets dealmaking, like many kinds of business transactions, is built on a foundation of copied and recycled language—what many call boilerplate. Regulators and the bar periodically call for less reliance on boilerplate, but despite these pressures, boilerplate remains a fixture of ever-growing securities disclosures. This Article explores why boilerplate persists and how it...

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Introduction: Reflections on the Future of Discovery in Civil Cases

Nov. 30, 2018—Introduction-Reflections-on-the-Future-of-Discovery-in-Civil-Cases AUTHOR: Honorable Paul W. Grimm

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How We Got Here: A Brief History of Requester-Pays and Other Incentive Systems to Supplement Judicial Management of Discovery

Nov. 30, 2018—How-We-Got-Here-A-Brief-History-of-Requester-Pays-and-Other-Incentive-Systems-to-Supplement-Judicial-Management-of-Discovery AUTHOR: E. Donald Elliott

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Opting Out of Discovery

Nov. 30, 2018—Opting-Out-of-Discovery AUTHOR: Jay Tidmarsh

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Discovery Cost Allocation, Due Process, and the Constitution’s Role in Civil Litigation

Nov. 30, 2018—Discovery-Cost-Allocation-Due-Process-and-the-Constitution’s-Role-in-Civil-Litigation AUTHOR: Martin H. Redish

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Bespoke Discovery

Nov. 30, 2018—Bespoke-Discovery AUTHOR: Jessica Erickson

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Seeking Proportional Discovery: The Beginning of the End of Procedural Uniformity in Civil Rules

Nov. 30, 2018—Seeking-Proportional-Discovery-The-Beginning-of-the-End-of-Procedural-Uniformity-in-Civil-Rules AUTHOR: Linda Sandstrom Simard

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Application of the New “Proportionality” Discovery Rule in Class Actions: Much Ado About Nothing

Nov. 30, 2018—Application-of-the-New-“Proportionality”-Discovery-Rule-in-Class-Actions-Much-Ado-About-Nothing AUTHOR: Robert H. Klonoff

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Discovery Disclosure and Deterrence

Nov. 30, 2018—Discovery-Disclosure-and-Deterrence AUTHORS: Sergio J. Campos Cheng Li

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Aligning Incentives and Cost Allocation in Discovery

Nov. 30, 2018—Aligning-Incentives-and-Cost-Allocation-in-Discovery AUTHORS: Jonathan Remy Nash Joanna Shepherd

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A Proposal to End Discovery Abuse

Nov. 30, 2018—A-Proposal-to-End-Discovery-Abuse AUTHOR: Alexandra D. Lahav

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A Plan for Reforming Federal Pleading, Discovery, and Pretrial Merits Review

Nov. 30, 2018—A-Plan-for-Reforming-Federal-Pleading-Discovery-and-Pretrial-Merits-Review AUTHORS: David Rosenberg Anne Brown Jaehyun Oh Benjamin Taylor

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One-Way Fee Shifting After Summary Judgment

Nov. 30, 2018—One-Way-Fee-Shifting-After-Summary-Judgment AUTHOR: Cameron T. Norris

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A Comparative Discussion of Who Pays for Document Discovery in Australia, Canada, Guernsey (Channel Islands), and Singapore and its Effect on Access to Justice

Nov. 30, 2018—A-Comparative-Discussion-of-Who-Pays-for-Document-Discovery-in-Australia-Canada-Guernsey-Channel-Islands-and-Singapore-and-its-Effect-on-Access-to-Justice AUTHORS: Gordon McKee Anne Glover Francis Rouleau

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