January, 2014
Designing Administrative Law for Adaptive Management
Jan. 22, 2014—Designing Administrative Law for Adaptive Management Administrative law needs to adapt to adaptive management. Adaptive management is a structured decisionmaking method, the core of which is a multistep, iterative process for adjusting management measures to changing circumstances or new information about the effectiveness of prior measures or the system being managed. It has been identified...
The Right to Vote Under State Constitutions
Jan. 22, 2014—The Right to Vote Under State Constitutions This Article provides the first comprehensive look at state constitutional provisions explicitly granting the right to vote. We hear that the right to vote is “fundamental,” the “essence of a democratic society,” and “preservative of all rights.” But courts and scholars are still searching for a solution to...
Uncovering the Silent Victims of the American Medical Liability System
Jan. 22, 2014—Uncovering the Silent Victims of the American Medical Liability System A frequently overlooked problem with the current medical liability system is the vast number of medical errors that go uncompensated. Although studies indicate that 1% of hospital patients are victims of medical negligence, fewer than 2% of these injured patients file claims. In this Article,...
Toward a Definitive History of Griggs v. Duke Power, Co.
Jan. 22, 2014—Toward a Definitive History of Griggs v. Duke Power Co.
Delimiting Title VII: Reverse Religious Discrimination and Proxy Claims in Employment Discrimination Litigation
Jan. 22, 2014—Delimiting Title VII: Reverse Religious Discrimination and Proxy Claims in Employment Discrimination Litigation
Multiple-Agency Delegations & One-Agency Chevron
Jan. 22, 2014—Multiple-Agency Delegations & One-Agency Chevron
A Litte Bit of Laches Goes a Long Way: Notes on Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.
Jan. 19, 2014—A Little Bit of Laches Goes a Long Way: Notes on Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. Samuel L. Bray