Italian Studies Minor
Minor in Italian Studies
Students who minor in Italian Studies are expected to achieve intermediate proficiency in oral and written Italian, to demonstrate a general understanding of the history of Italian literatures and cultures, and to develop an awareness of the ways Italian studies intersect with other disciplines. All minors are expected to consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies about their choice of courses. Students are encouraged to participate in the Vanderbilt in Italy program.
REQUIRED COURSES (6 credit hours) ___ ITA 2203 Intermediate Italian (Prerequisite ITA1102; ITA1103; or equivalent) ___ ITA 2501W Grammar and Composition (Prerequisite ITA 2203 or equivalent) OR ITA 2614 Conversation (Prerequisite ITA 2203 or equivalent).
ELECTIVE COURSES FROM AMONG ANY BELOW (9 credit hours) ___ ITA 2501W Grammar and Composition (If not used as a required course) ___ ITA 2614 Conversation (If not used as a required course) ___ ITA 3000 Introduction to Italian Literature ___ ITA 3041 Italian Civilization ___ ITA 3100 Literature from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance ___ ITA 3240 Dante’s Divine Comedy ___ ITA 3242 Dante’ in Historical Context ___ ITA 3340 Boccaccio’s Famous Women___ ITA 3500 Baroque, Illuminismo, and Romanticism in Italy ___ ITA 3600 Twentieth-Century Literature: Beauty and Chaos ___ ITA 3640 Classic Italian Cinema ___ ITA 3641 Contemporary Italian Cinema ___ ITA 3642 Visual Culture ___ ITA 3701 City Fictions ___ ITA 3702 Topics in Contemporary Italian Civilization ___ ITA 3703 The Cultural and Linguistic Worlds of Italy ___ ITA 3704 Made-in-Italy: Italianness in Italy and Abroad ___ ITA 3740 Gangsters, lovers, madonnas, and mistresses ___ ITA 3802 Contemporary Italian Society and Culture ___ ITA 3850 Independent Study ___ ITA 3890 Special Topics in Italian Literature Students may choose ONE course from the list below. (3 credit hours) Only 3 of these elective credit hours may be selected from courses in subject areas other than Italian, such as Classical Studies, History, History of Art, Music Literature and History. ___ CLAS 1130 Greek Myths ___ CLAS 2150 History of Roman Republic ___ CLAS 2160 History of the Roman Empire ___ HIST 2220 Medieval and Renaissance Italy, 1000-1700 ___ HART 2310 Italian Art to 1500 ___ HART 3332 Raphael and the Renaissance ___ HART 3320 Early Renaissance Florence ___ HART 3320W Early Renaissance Florence ___ HART 2310 Italian Art to 1500 ___ HART 2330 Italian Renaissance Art after 1500 ___ HART 3334 Michelangelo’s Life and Works ___ HART 3334W Michelangelo’s Life and Works ___ LAT 3110 Catullus ___ LAT 3160 Ovid ___ LAT 3100 Roman Comedy ___ LAT 3130 Vergil : The Aeneid ___ LAT 3120 Lucretius : De rerum natura ___ MUSL 3220 Opera in the 17th and 18th Centuries ___ MUSL 3221 Opera in the 19th Century ___ MUS 2243 Music of the Baroque and Classic Eras ___ MUS 2244 Music of the Romantic and Modern ErasOther Italy-related courses not listed here—such as those in study abroad programs—may be approved towards the minor upon approval by the director of the Italian program. Students are encouraged to attend Vanderbilt in Italy |