French and European Studies Major
French and European Studies
Students may elect this interdisciplinary major, which requires a minimum of 36 hours of course work. A semester of study abroad in an approved French program is strongly encouraged. All courses for the French component must be in French.
Course work for the joint major is distributed as follows:
French (24 hours)
• French Language, Literature, and Culture (9 hours): 2501W, 3001, 3002
• Communications (6 hours): 2611, 3111, 3112, 2614, or 3113
• Literatures and Cultures (9 hours): 3185W, 3222, 3224, 3230, 3232, 3233, 3234, 3620, 3621, 3634, 3730, 3880, 3881, 3891, 3892, 4023, 4027, 4029, 4232, 4234, 4320, 4430, 4432.
European Studies (12 hours)
• European Studies core courses (9 hours): EUS 2201, 2203, 4960 (requires thesis)
• Social Science (6 hours): PSCI 3897, PSCI 2210, PSCI 3211, or appropriate substitute from any other social studies discipline with approval of the EUS advisor.
• European History (3 hours): HIST 2230, 2250, 2260, 2270, 2280, 2290, 2310, 2340, or approved course in consultation with the EUS advisor.