Senior Research Engineer/Software programmer
Address: Institute for Software Integrated Systems
Vanderbilt University, Room 304B,
1025 16th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37212
Naveeduddin (Naveed) Mohammed joined the Teachable Agents Group in the summer of 2016 as a Research Engineer. He has the M.S. degree in Computer and Information Sciences from University of Colorado and the B.E. degree in Information Technology from Osmania University.
He is a full stack developer specializing in the design, planning, implementation, deployment, testing and maintenance of frameworks for open-ended computer-based learning environments and metacognitive tutors. His work focuses on developing and enhancing computer-based learning environments, particularly in the areas of teachable agents, learning-by-teaching and learning-by-modeling. He is involved in creating and integrating novel computational paradigms to advance simulation-based and multimodal learning systems.
His recent projects include development of learner modelling frameworks for complex training scenarios, such as dismounted battle drills, and innovative tools for automated assessment and feedback. He has also worked on advancement of team performance evaluation systems through multimodal Bayesian analytics in simulation-based training environments. He is also involved in integrated multimodal analysis in mixed reality training and gaze behavior evolution that support after action reviews on learning interfaces.