Math Calendar
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Title- TBA
Oishee Banerjee – Florida State University
Abstract- TBA
Host – Dan Margalit
Talk by Steve Trettel
Steve Trettel, University of San Francisco
What do 3-manifolds Look Like?
Thurston’s Geometrization Theorem, later proved by Perelman, describes 3-manifolds in terms of geometric building blocks. Each manifold decomposes into pieces modeled on one of just eight homogeneous 3-dimensional spaces, known as the Thurston geometries.
In this talk, we explore the question: ‘What does a 3-manifold look like?’ through the lens of geometrization. After discussing how one might compute the “inside view” one would see in such spaces, we will use software written in collaboration with Remi Coulon, Sabetta Matsumoto, and Henry Segerman to explore some manifolds built from the Thurston geometries. Finally, we will see how these geometric pieces can be fit together to form a picture of general 3-manifolds.
Visit Topology & Group Theory Seminar
Title _ TBA
Caglar Uyanik- University of Wisconsin, Madison
Abstract- TBA
Talk by Ronnie Pavlov
Ronnie Pavlov, University of Denver
Title and abstract tba
Topology & Group Theory Seminar
Lattice envelopes and groups acting AU-acylindrically on products of hyperbolic spaces – Location: SC1 1432
Talia Fernos – Vanderbilt
In this joint work with Balasubramanya, we explore the capacity for a group acting AU-acylindrically on a finite product of delta-hyperbolic spaces to satisfy three properties introduced by Bader, Furman, and Sauer. When satisfied, these properties restrict the potential ambient group in which it can be imbedded as a lattice. In this talk, we will also discuss the classification of actions on a delta-hyperbolic space, the associated trifurcation of elliptic actions, and the relationship to normal and commensurate subgroups. We will end the talk with an open question.
Visit Topology & Group Theory Seminar
The G-index of a spin closed hyperbolic 4-manifold M – Location: SC1 1432
John Ratcliffe – Emeriti- Vanderbilt
In this talk, we will show how to compute the G-index of a spin closed hyperbolic 4-manifold M for a group G of symmetries of a spin structure on M. As an example, we will compute the G-index for the group G of symmetries of the fully symmetric spin structure on the Davis closed hyperbolic 4-manifold M. Our talk will involve finite groups, infinite discrete groups, and Lie groups. The talk is based on joint work with Steven Tschantz.
Strichartz estimates and low regularity solutions of 3D relativistic Euler equations. Location: Sony Building – A1013
Huali Zhang – Hunan University
Disconzi proposed an open Problem D, about establishing low regularity solutions for 3D relativistic Euler equations with the logarithmic enthalpy $h_0$, initial velocity $\bu_0$, and modified vorticity $\bw_0$ belonging to $H^s \times H^s \times H^{s_0} (2<s_0<s)$. Similar results have been obtained for compressible Euler equations by Wang (see also Andersson-Zhang). Compared with the non-relativistic case, the velocity varies from space-like to time-like in relativistic Euler, which brings us challenges for Problem D. In this talk, we will give a positive answer to this open Problem D for 3D relativistic Euler equations.
- Zoom link:
Visit Topology & Group Theory Seminar
Graphical models for groups – Location: SC1 1432
Robbie Lyman – Rutgers
In geometric group theory, we love groups and graphs. Every (abstract) group has (many) Cayley graphs, each one associated with a choice of a generating set. Recently I’ve been curious about topological groups, inspired by the budding theory around and community of people inspired by mapping class groups of infinite-type surfaces and by Christian Rosendal’s breakthrough work on geometries for topological groups. I’m hoping to share out some of what I’ve learned about topological groups acting on graphs. Much of this comes from recent joint work with Beth Branman, George Domat and Hannah Hoganson.
Host: Talia Fernos
Talk by Mark de Cataldo
Mark de Cataldo, Stony Brook University
Title and abstract tba
Green-elastic solids with gradient elastic boundaries- Location: Sony Building A1013
Casey Rodriguez – UNC Chapel Hill.
In this talk, we explore recent developments in the field of gradient elasticity. We begin by providing an intuitive introduction to the theory, which extends classical elasticity by incorporating higher-order spatial derivatives that capture microstructural effects. These contributions become particularly important at small spatial scales, offering a more refined description of deformation that classical models cannot account for. We then present a novel theory of three-dimensional Green-elastic bodies with gradient elastic material boundary surfaces and highlight its application to modeling brittle fracture.