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August 24, 2010

Appalachian Set Theory Workshop, October 30, 2010

The Department of Mathematics will host a one-day NSF & Shanks workshop on “The Complexity of Classification Problems in Ergodic Theory” October 30, 2010. The main speaker of the workshop will be Alekos Kechris of Caltech.

This is one of a series of workshops on set theory for the Appalachian region which are supported by the National Science Foundation and held at various host universities and institutes. There are two to three workshops per year, each of which is devoted to a single topic such as a complex seminal paper or a significant unpublished theorem. Lecture notes are available after each workshop.

The Vanderbilt workshop is co-organized by Department Chair Dietmar Bisch and Ernest Schimmerling from Carnegie Mellon University with partial support from the National Science Foundation and the Vanderbilt Department of Mathematics Shanks Endowment.

“The last two decades have seen the emergence of a theory of set theoretic complexity of classification problems in mathematics,” says Caltech’s Kechris. “In this workshop, I will present recent developments concerning the application of this theory to classification problems in ergodic theory.”

More information is available on the?workshop web site and on the Appalachain Set Theory web site.