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April 8, 2010

Eighth Annual NCGOA Spring Institute

The Department of Mathematics hosted the Eighth Annual Spring Institute on Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras May 10-19, 2010. The theme of the 2010 event was Von Neumann Algebras.

The Spring Institute is a combination of spring school and international research conference. During the school portion of the meeting, mini-courses were given by Cyril Houdayer, Adrian Ioana, Vaughan Jones, Narutaka Ozawa, Sorin Popa, Dimitri Shlyakhtenko, Stefaan Vaes, and Dan Voiculescu.

In addition, about twenty invited research talks were scheduled on a wide variety of topics ranging from subfactors and planar algebras to W*-superrigidity of II1 factors. More details are available on the conference web site at

The Spring Institute on Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras is sponsored by the National Science Foundation through a Special Meetings grant, the Department of Mathematics and the College of Arts & Science at Vanderbilt University. It is organized by the Center for Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras (NCGOA) at Vanderbilt University. The organizing committee of this year’s Spring Institute consists of Dietmar Bisch (Vanderbilt University), Alain Connes (College de France, IHES & Vanderbilt University; Director of the Eighth Annual Spring Institute) and Jesse Peterson (Vanderbilt University).