Vanderbilt Libraries and Collections
- Jewish Studies Library, 140 Buttrick Hall
- Jean & Alexander Heard Libraries at Vanderbilt University
- To access Jewish Studies resources, follow these steps:
Click on Advance Search
Under “Library” click on VUCenters
Under “Location” click on JStudies
Then you’re ready to search!
- To access Jewish Studies resources, follow these steps:
- New acquisitions to the Jewish Studies catalogue are posted monthly here
- Vanderbilt Divinity Library Resources for Jewish Studies
- The Mary and Harry Zimmerman Judaica Collection housed in the Divinity School Library
- Resources for Biblical Studies, the Ancient Near East, and Judaica housed in the Divinity School Library
- The Glatzer Collection and Archives housed in Special Collections at the Central Library
Digital Resourses
- Jewishnet
- Perpetual Jewish/Gregorian Calendar
- Jewish Data Bank (repository of social scientific studies of North American Jewry)
- Jewish Encyclopedia
- Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia
- Meggido Archeological Dig
- Local, National and International Resources
- Virtual Religion Network
- Southern Jewish Historical Society
- The Jewish History Resource Center
- Association for Jewish Studies
- “New Lives: Coming to America”
Vanderbilt Spaces
Jewish Nashville
Community Organizations
- Gordon Jewish Community Center
- Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee
- Jewish Family Service of Nashville and Middle Tennessee
- Congregation Micah (Reform)
- Sherith Israel (Orthodox)
- The Temple (Congregation Ohabai Sholom) (Reform)
- West End Synagogue (Conservative)
- Center for Jewish Awareness Chabad
Study Abroad
- Vanderbilt Global Education
MASA enables young Jews (18 to 30) from around the world to build a lasting relationship with Israel, strengthen their Jewish identity, and gain meaningful and beneficial experiences by participating in a long-term program in Israel. - Study Abroad Programs in Israel
The Israel University Consortium (IUC) brings together five major Israeli universities in a partnership to support the thousands of students studying abroad at Israeli universities each year and to collaborate with study-abroad professionals at universities throughout North America.