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May. 11, 2018—  Congratulations to our graduating seniors! To those of you considering becoming majors or minors in WGS, check out this Senior Seminar capstone project by graduating seniors Olivia Solow-Niederman and Mary Armintrout.  OMPR (Olivia and Mary Public Radio) podcast series focuses on the unique challenges that female leaders face at Vanderbilt and in Nashville, Tennessee. Olivia...

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Dr. Robert McRuer, “Crip Times 2018: Queer/Disability Politics in a Post-Truth Era”

Apr. 5, 2018—On March 27, 2018, Dr. Robert McRuer, Professor of English at the George Washington University, gave a talk entitled, “Crip Times 2018: Queer/Disability Politics in a Post-Truth Era.” The talk was based on his very recent book, Crip Times: Disability, Globalization, and Resistance, and included implications for his argument in the present moment.  

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Gender/Sexuality Matters with Edwin D. Real and Zoe Foster

Feb. 25, 2018—On Thursday, February 22, the Women’s and Gender Studies Program hosted the second Gender/Sexuality Matters seminar of the spring 2018 semester. Edwin D. Real and Zoe Foster, transgender activists, discussed their experiences growing up and living as transgender and how these experiences inform their activism.

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“Sin Big: Why Mary Daly’s Insights (and Her Limitations) Are Valuable to Us Now,” Jennifer Rycenga, San José State University, March 1, 1:10pm, Wilson 112

Feb. 21, 2018—“Sin Big: Why Mary Daly’s Insights (and Her Limitations) Are Valuable to Us Now” Mary Daly, radical feminist elemental philosopher (and sometime theologian) spurred much of feminist thought from the 1970s forward. Her work is provocative, historically important, and challenging. Is the work of these early radical feminist thinkers useful at all to us today?...

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“The Transgender Community in Nashville” with Edwin D. Real and Zoe Foster, Transgender Activists, Thursday, February 22, 4-5:30pm, Buttrick 122

Feb. 19, 2018—Thursday, February 22, 4-5:30 in Buttrick 122 The Transgender Community in Nashville with Edwin D. Real and Zoe Foster, Transgender Activists Edwin D. Real is a transman currently working on trans issues outside of academia. Zoe Foster is a transwoman, early in transition and engaging with Nashville’s trans-community on multiple levels. They will share their...

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WGS Gender/Sexuality Matters, “Sex and the Church” Thursday, January 25, 4-5:30, Buttrick 123

Jan. 20, 2018—Panel with religious leaders and laity who ground issues of gender and sexuality in their work. Guests will include Reverend April Baker, Pastor at Glendale Baptist Church, Dawn Bennett of the Vanderbilt Divinity School (candidate for ordination in the ELCA Lutheran Church, and community activist for LGBTQ Youth and Families), and Lyndsey Godwin, Assistant Director...

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Spring 2019 in WGS

Jan. 20, 2018—Welcome back for the Spring 2019 semester! The Women’s and Gender Studies Major and Minor programs have new requirements for this academic year. Submissions for our annual Wiltshire Essay Competition are now being accepted. Find out more!  Our office is Buttrick Hall, Room 124. Come by and ask us why more and more students at...

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