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America in Transition, Tuesday, November 1, 5:30-8:00pm, Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center auditorium

Posted by on Tuesday, October 18, 2016 in Uncategorized.

America in Transition

America in Transition
on Tuesday, November 1st, 2016
from 5:30pm-8:00pm
in the auditorium of the Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center

America in Transition is an interactive documentary series and community-building initiative exploring social change from the perspective of trans people in intersectional communities.

Please join director André Pérez for a screening and Q&A of “Learning to Recognize Myself Again” followed by the interactive workshop “The Visibility Contradiction.”

*Learning to Recognize Myself Again*
Arkansas: The threat of violence is an everyday experience for trans people. When Tiommi Luckett’s worst fears come true, she struggles to reconnect with the bold, adventurous woman she’s always been against a backdrop of self-imposed isolation. Episode address HIV criminalization, sexual violence, and healing from trauma.

*The Visibility Contradiction: Why are Trans People Dying in an Age of Celebrity*
2015 was heralded as the transgender tipping point, but it was a record-breaking year for violence and murders of trans women of color. Does celebrity make us safer? We will examine the role of visibility in movement building, the fight for civil rights, and achieving social justice.

*André Pérez* is a mixed-race transgender oral historian, educator, filmmaker and community organizer who founded the Transgender Oral History Project in 2007. He created a traveling multimedia historical exhibit about trans activism in 2009. André’s videos have been featured at History Center of Tompkins County, Philadelphia Folklore Center, and the Chicago HIstory Museum. André recorded 500 interviews for StoryCorps including 50 segments that aired on NPR and WBEZ. André currently works as Director of Marketing and Communications at Trans Lifeline. He is collaborating with Open TV this summer to release Been T/Here, a docuseries about trans people of color in Chicago focusing on love, creativity, and healing.

*Tiommi Luckett* is a black transgender woman who co-directs the Arkansas Transgender Equality Coalition. She advocates for the liberation of trans and GNC people, prioritizing the decriminalization of HIV, decriminalization of survival sex work, affordable housing, equal opportunity employment, comprehensive healthcare and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. Luckett works nationally with Positively Trans under the tutelage of the Transgender Law Center, blogs for A Girl Like Me, is a Community Advisory Board member of The Well Project, sits on the Steering Committee of the US PLHIV Caucus, and is part of Positive Women’s Network-USA.

Many thanks to our excellent co-sponsors: The Program in Women’s and Gender Studies, The Office of LGBTQI Life, The Carpenter Program in Religion, Gender & Sexuality, The Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center, The Office of Intercultural Initiatives and Cultural Competency, Lambda, The Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, The Program in Cinema and Media Arts, and the departments of English, History, and Communication Studies.