Research Participation Opportunities
A wide variety of research studies are conducted by the Psychology Department’s faculty, research fellows, graduate students, and undergraduates. This research ranges from simple tests of perception to state of the art brain imaging studies. In order to help interested research volunteers enroll in research studies (both for course credit and for pay), we utilize a web-based research sign-up system. After you register yourself as a new user you will be able to view brief descriptions of studies in order to select which studies you would like to participate in. The initial registration process will take about 5-10 minutes.
(Note, if you are an undergraduate looking to gain research experience by working in a lab as a research assistant, please see our Getting Research Experience page ).
For more detailed instructions on using the Research Sign-up System see the following links:
If you are primarily interested in participating in PAID studies, see the link below.
Instructions for Paid Research Volunteers
All students who intend to sign up for studies in order to receive course credit (for General Psychology or for credit in other courses), see the link below:
Instructions for Vanderbilt Psychology Students
To go directly to the Research Sign-up System click on this web site:
Most studies are conducted in Wilson Hall. There are two free parking spaces for research participants at the end of the parking lot behind Wilson Hall (yellow asterisk). Otherwise you can park in the Terrace Garage. If you are coming for a paid research study, you can get reimbursed for parking in the Terrace Place Garage.
The majority of the studies listed on the Psychology Department’s Research Sign-up System are aimed at adults. The Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development maintains a separate webpage which includes studies for both adults, children and families, and includes a number of studies related to developmental disorders and psychiatric disorders. To view this site please click the following link :
Researchers interested in using the Research Sign-up System, see the link below:
Instructions for Researchers
The Psychology Department thanks the support of the Vanderbilt University Learning Sciences Instiute for its support of the research sign up system.