- BSCI 2205. Evolution
Evolutionary theory, with emphasis on evolutionary mechanisms; Microevolutionary processes of adaptation and speciation and macro-evolutionary patterns; Evidence from genetics, ecology, molecular
biology, and paleontology in the historical context of the neo-Darwinian synthesis. (for Undergraduates and Graduates; Offered on Fall Semesters) - BSCI 1511. Introduction to Biological Sciences
Cell communication; Physiology, organ function and development; Mendelian and population genetics;
Evolution, ecology, and speciation; Populations, ecosystems, and conservation biology. (for Undergraduates; Offered on Spring Semesters) - BSCI 3861 – 4999. Research-for-academic courses
I regularly supervise undergraduates registered on Directed Laboratory Research (BSCI 3861), Independent Laboratory Research (BSCI 3961), and Honors Research (BSCI 4999). (for Undergraduates; Offered on Fall and Spring Semesters)
Teaching Nationally & Internationally
- Faculty, Workshop on Molecular Evolution, Woods Hole, MA, USA
- Faculty, Workshop on Genomics, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
Note: pdfs of some of the material taught in these workshops is available at the “Workshop Lectures” bar on the bottom right of this page.