Selected Works 2015



Adams S. Psychiatric mental health nursing: “A seat at the table.” Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association.

Jan 2015;21(1):34-37.


Adams S. An organizational seat at the table: Advocacy based on science and education. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. Mar 2015;21(2):111-113.


Adams S. APNA’s suicide competencies for inpatient psychiatric nurses: “Saving Lives …One at a Time.” Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. May 2015;21(3):175-179.


Adams S. APNA’s Transitions in Practice (ATP) certificate program: Building and supporting the psychiatric nursing workforce. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. July 2015;21(4):279-283.


Adams S. The IOM report on psychosocial interventions for mental and substance use disorders: Opportunities for psychiatric-mental health nurses. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. Sept 2015;21(5):343-347.


Adams S. Mental health care policy: Claiming our seats at the table. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association.

Nov 2015;21(5):343-347.


Hudson CC, Adams S, Lauderdale J. Cultural expressions of intergenerational trauma and mental health nursing implications for U.S. health care delivery following refugee resettlement: An integrative review of the literature. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. May 2015;1-16.


Akard TF, Dietrich MS, Friedman D, Hinds PS, Given B, Wray S, Gilmer MJ. Digital storytelling: An innovative legacy-making intervention for children with cancer. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. Apr 2015:62(4):658-665.


Hendricks-Ferguson V, Akard TF, Madden JR, Peters-Herron A, Levy R. Contributions of advanced practice nurses with a DNP degree during palliative and end-of-life care of children with cancer.

Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. Jan 2015:32(1):32-39.


Ardisson M, Smallheer B, Moore G, Christenbery T. Meta-evaluation: Experiences in an accelerated graduate nurse education program. Journal of Professional Nursing. Nov 2015:6(31):508-515.


Bernet A, Warren C, Adams S. Using a community-based participatory research approach to evaluate resident predictors of involuntary exit from permanent supportive housing. Evaluation and Program Planning. Apr 2015:49(2):63-69.


Buxton M, Phillippi J, Collins M. Simulation: A new approach to teaching ethics in midwifery educations. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Jan 2015: 60(1):70-74.


DeKoninck B, Christenbery T. Skin cancer screening in the medically underserved population: A unique opportunity for APNs to make a difference. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Feb 2015:27(9):501-506.


Collins M. A case report on the anxiolytic properties of nitrous oxide during labor. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. Feb 2015:44(1):87-92.


Collins M. Is your pregnant client a candidate for “laughing gas” in labor? Journal for Nurse Practitioners. July 2015:11(9).


Pilkenton D, Collins MR, Holley S. Teaching labor support: An interprofessional simulation.

Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Dec 2015:60(6):699-705.


Samoya A, Crutcher T, Pilon B. Maintaining healthy work environments. Nursing 2015 Critical Care. Nov 2015;10(6):1-7.


Deng J, Ridner SH, Wells N, Dietrich MS, Murphy BA. Development and preliminary testing of head and neck cancer related external lymphedema and fibrosis assessment criteria.

European Journal Oncology Nursing. Feb 2015:19(1):75-80.


Deng J, Radina E, Fu MR, Armer JM, Cormier JN, Thiadens SR, Weiss J, Tuppo CM, Dietrich MS, Ridner SH. Self-care status, symptom burden, and reported infections in individuals with lower-extremity primary lymphedema. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Mar 2015:47(2):126-134.


Deng J, Ridner SH, Aulino JM, Murphy BA. Assessment and measurement of head and neck lymphedema: State-of-the-science and future directions. Oral Oncology. May 2015:5(5):431-437.


Deng J, Fu MR, Armer JM, Cormier JN, Radina ME, Thiadens SR, Weiss J, Tuppo CM, Dietrich MS, Ridner SH. Factors associated with infection and lymphedema symptoms among individuals with extremity lymphedema. Rehabilitation Nursing. Sept 2015:40(5):310-319.


Deng J, Jackson L, Epstein JB, Migliorati CA, Murphy BA. Demineralization and caries in patients with head and neck cancer. Oral Oncology. Sept 2015:



Murphy BA, Deng J. Advances in supportive care for late effects of head and neck cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. Oct 2015:



Moore ER, Bennett KL, Dietrich MS, Wells N. The effect of directed medical play on young children’s pain and distress during burn wound care. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. May 2015:



Young CC, Dietrich MS. Stressful life events, worry, and rumination predict depressive and anxiety symptoms in young adolescents.

Journal of Child and Adolescence Psychiatric Nursing. Feb 2015:



Eliason MJ, Fogel SC. An ecological framework for sexual minority women’s health: Factors associated with greater body mass. Journal of Homosexuality. Jan 2015:62(7) 845-882.

Eliason MJ, Ingraham N, Fogel SC, McElroy JA, Lorvick J, Mauery DR, Haynes S. A systematic review of the literature on weight in sexual minority women. Women’s Health Issues. Mar 2015:25(2):162-175.


Garbers S, McDonnell C, Fogel SC, Eliason M, Ingraham N, McElroy JA, Radix A, Haynes SG. Aging, weight, and health among adult lesbian and bisexual women: A metasynthesis of the multisite ‘’Healthy Weight Initiative’’ focus groups. LGBT Health. June 2015:2(2):176-187.


Fogel S, Hande K, Kennedy B. Transforming a curriculum to progress the associate degree nurse to advanced practice. Nurse Educator. Sept 2015:40(5):241-243.


Tielsch-Goddard A, Gilmer MJ. The role and impact of animals with pediatric patients. Pediatric Nursing. Feb2015: 44(2):65-71.


Gooch MD. Identifying acid-base and electrolyte imbalances. The Nurse Practitioner. August 2015:



Ivory C. Collaboration between midwives and nurses: Past, present, and future. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Mar 2015: 6(2):122-124.


Ivory C. The role of health care technology in support of perinatal nurse staffing. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. Mar 2015:44(2):309-315.


O’Brien A, Weaver C, Settergren TT, Hook ML, Ivory CH. EHR documentation: The hype and hope for improving nurses’ satisfaction and quality outcomes.

Nursing Administration Quarterly. Oct 2015:39(4):333-339.


Dubree M, Jones P, Kapu A, Parmley C. APRN Practices: Challenges, empowerment and outcomes. Nurse Leader.

Apr 2015:13(2):43-49.


Karp SM, Gesell SB. Obesity prevention and treatment in school-aged children, adolescents, and young adults — where do we go from here?. Primary Prevention Insights. June 2015:5 1-4.


Karp SM, Lutenbacher M, Wallston KA. Evaluation of the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale in mothers of infants. Journal of Child and Family Studies. Nov 2015:24(11):3474-3481.


Ketel C. Potentials of internet-based patient engagement and education programs to reduce hospital readmissions: A spotlight on need in heart failure. Nursing Clinics of North America.

June 2015:50(2):283-291.


Krau SD. Good care, good science: A mantra as we move toward success. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2015:50(1):xi-xii.


Krau SD. The influence of technology on nursing education.

Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2015:50(2):379-387.


Krau SD. Technology in nursing: The mandate for new implementation and adoption approaches. Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2015:50(2):xi-xii.


Lupear SK, Overstreet M, Krau SD. Perioperative nurses’ knowledge of indicators for pressure ulcer development in the surgical patient population. Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2015:



Shields J, Overstreet M, Krau SD. Nurse knowledge of intrahospital transport. Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2015:


Maxwell CA. Trauma in the geriatric population. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2015:27(2):183-197.


Maxwell CA, Dietrich MS, Minnick AF, Mion LC. Pre-injury physical function and frailty in injured older adults: Self- versus proxy responses. Journal of American Geriatrics Society. July 2015:63(7):1443-1447.


Maxwell CA, Miller RS, Dietrich, MS, Mion LC, Minnick A. The aging of America: A comprehensive look at over 25,000 geriatric trauma admissions to United States hospitals. American Surgeon. June 2015:81(6):630-636.


Maxwell C, Mion L. Geriatric trauma: An opportunity for proactive palliative care. Geriatric Nursing. Oct 2015:36(6):475-6.


Maxwell CA, Mion LC, Mukherjee K, Dietrich MS, Minnick A, May A, Miller RS. Feasibility of screening for preinjury frailty in hospitalized injured older adults. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. Apr 2015:78(4):844-851.


Staggs VS, Mion LC, Shorr RI. Consistent differences in medical unit fall rates: Implications for research and practice. Journal of American Geriatrics Society. May 2015:63(5):983-987.


Monroe T, Gore J, Bruehl S, Benningfield M, Dietrich M, Chen LM, Newhouse P, Chodkowski BA, Atalla S, Arrieta J, Damon S, Blackford J, Cowan R. Sex-differences in psychophysical and neurophysiological responses to pain in older adults. Biology of Sex Differences. Dec 2015:6(1):1-20.


Monroe T, Misra S, Habermann R, Dietrich M, Bruehl S, Cowan R, Newhouse P, Simmons S. Specific physician orders improve pain detection and pain reports in nursing home residents: Preliminary data. Pain Management Nursing. Oct 2015: 16(5):770-80.

Monroe T, Parish A, Mion L. Decision factors nurses use to assess pain in nursing home residents with dementia. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. Oct 2015: 29(5):316-20.


Moore G. Sexual assault screening in the outpatient setting. American Nurse Today. August 2015:10(8):


Moore-Davis TL, McGee KB, Moore EM, Paine LL. The Midwifery Legacies Project: History, progress, and future directions. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Jan 2015: 60(1):56-61.


Moore-Davis TL, Schorn MN, Collins MR, Phillippi J, Holley S. Team-based learning for midwifery education. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. May 2015:60(3):291-297.


Webb J, Morris MH, Thomas SP, Combs-Orme T. Parenting perceptions of low-income mothers. MCN: American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. Mar 2015:40(2):116-121.


Johnson KB, Patterson BL, Ho YX, Chen Q, Nian H, Davidson CL, Slagle J, Mulvaney SA. The feasibility of text reminders to improve medication adherence in adolescents with asthma. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association Dec 2015: 0(0):1-8.


Kumah-Crystal YA, Hood KK, Ho YX, Lybarger CK, O’Connor BH, Rothman RL, Mulvaney SA. Technology use for diabetes problem solving in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Relationship to glycemic control. Journal of Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics. Mar 2015:17(7):449-454.

Nelson LA, Mulvaney SA, Gebretsadik T, Ho YX, Johnson KB, Osborn CY. Disparities in the use of a mHealth medication adherence promotion intervention for low-income adults with type 2 diabetes. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. Special Issue. July 2015;23(1)12-18.


Neal J, Lowe N, Schorn M, Holley S, Ryan S, Buxton M, Wilson-Liverman A. Labor dystocia: A common approach to diagnosis. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Sept 2015: 60(5):499-509.


Neal J, Ryan S, Lowe N, Schorn M, Buxton M, Holley S, Wilson-Liverman A. Labor dystocia: Uses of related nomenclature. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Sept 2015:60(5):485-498.


Neal JL, Lamp JM, Lowe NK, Gillespie SL, Sinnott LT, McCarthy DO. Differences in inflammatory markers between nulliparous women admitted to hospitals in pre-active vs active labor. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Jan 2015:212(1):68.e1-68.e8.


Sribanditmongkol V, Neal JL, Patrick TE, Szalacha LA, McCarthy DO. Effect of perceived stress on cytokine production in healthy college students. Western Journal of Nursing Research. Apr 2015:37(4):481-493.


Castillo MJ, Phillippi JC. Hyperemesis gravidarum: A holistic overview and approach to clinical assessment and management. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. Jan 2015: 29(1):12-22.


Lange-Kessler J, Phillippi JC. Incorporating a primary care practicum in midwifery education. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. May 2015: 60(3):258-262.


Murphy H, Phillippi JC. Isolated intracardiac echogenic focus on routine ultrasound: Implications for practice. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Jan 2015:6(1):83-88.


Phillippi JC, Barger M. Midwives as primary care providers for women. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. May 2015: 60(3):250-257.


Phillippi JC, Buxton M, Overstreet M. Interprofessional simulation of a retained placenta and postpartum hemorrhage. Nurse Education in Practice. July 2015:15(4):333-338.


Phillippi JC, Schorn MN, Moore-Davis T. The APGAR rubric for scoring online discussion boards. Nurse Education in Practice. May 2015:15(3):239-242.


Nelson K, Pilon B. Managing organizational transitions — The chief nurse perspective. Nurse Leader. June 2015;13(3):71-76.


Pilon BA, Ketel C, Davidson H. Evidence-based development in nurse led interprofessional teams. Nursing Management. June 2015:22(3):35-40.


Pilon BA, Ketel C, Davidson HA, Gentry CK, Crutcher TD, Scott AW, Moore RM, Rosenbloom ST. Evidence-guided integration of interprofessional collaborative practice into nurse managed health centers. Journal of Professional Nursing. July 2015:31(4):340-350.


Reeves G, Beuscher L. Herpes Zoster in older adults: An educational approach. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. May 2015:1(5):538-543.


Reeves GC, Abdullah AS, Frazier SK, Watkins JF, Lennie TA, Moser DK. The association of comorbid diabetes mellitus and symptoms of depression with all-cause mortality and cardiac rehospitalization in patients with heart failure. BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care June 2015:3:e000077


Rhoten B, Radina M, Adair M, Sinclair V, Ridner S. Hide and seek: Body image-related issues for breast cancer survivors with lymphedema. Journal of Women’s Health Issues & Care. Feb 2015:4(2):


Karaca-Mandic P, Hirsch AT, Rockson SG, Ridner SH. The cutaneous, net clinical, and health economic benefits of advanced compression devices in patients with lymphedema. JAMA Dermatology. Nov 2015: 151(11):1187-1193.


Ridner SH, Dietrich MS. Development and validation of the lymphedema symptom and intensity survey-arm. Supportive Care in Cancer. Oct 2015: 23(10):3103-3112.


Schultze BS, Ridner SH. Death by sugar: The impact of sugar on acutely ill patients. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Apr 2015: 11(4):456-461.


Danhausen K, Joshi D, Quirk S, Miller R, Fowler M, Schorn MN. Facilitating access to prenatal care through an interprofessional student-run free clinic. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. May 2015:60(3):267-273.


Osborne K, Schorn MN, Graves B. A call for evaluation of the certified midwife credential. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Dec 2015:60(6):670-673.


Schorn MN, Minnick A, Donaghey B. An exploration of how midwives and physicians manage the third stage of labor in the United States. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Mar 2015:60(2):187-198.

Schorn MN, Moore E, Spetalnick BM, Morad A. Implementing family-centered cesarean birth. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Dec 2015: 60(6):682-690.


Simmons M, Peraza-Smith GB, Harris M, Scanland S. Application of resources for non-pharmacological interventions to improve dementia care in nursing homes. Geriatric Nursing. May 2015: 36(3):242-244.


Smith KM, Lutenbacher M, McClure N. Leveraging resources to improve clinical outcomes and teach transitional care through development of academic-clinical partnerships. Nurse Educator. Nov 2015:40(6):303-307.


Stolldorf DP, Jones CB. Deployment of rapid response teams by 31 hospitals in a statewide collaborative. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. Apr 2015: 41(4):186-191.


Audet CM, Wagner LJ, Wallston KA. Finding meaning in life while living with HIV: Validation of a novel HIV meaningfulness scale among HIV-infected participants living in Tennessee. BMC Psychology. May 2015:3(10):15.


Castel L, Wallston KA, Saville BR, Alvarez JR, Shields BD, Feurer ID, Cella DF. Validity and reliability of the Patient-Reported Arthralgia Inventory: Validation of a newly-developed survey instrument to measure arthralgia. Patient Related Outcome Measures. July 2015:28(4):205-14.


Cavanaugh KL, Osborn CY, Tentori F, Rothman RL, Ikizler TA, Wallston KA. Performance of a brief survey to assess health literacy in patients receiving hemodialysis. Clinical Kidney Journal. August; 8(4):462-468.


Kipp AM, Audet CM, Earnshaw VA, Owens J, McGowan CC, Wallston KA. Re-validation of the Van Rie HIV/AIDS-related stigma scale for use with people living with HIV in the United States. PloS One. Mar 2015; 10(3):e0118836.


Kripalani S, Goggins K, Nwosu S, Schildcrout J, Mixon AS, McNaughton C, Scott AMM, Wallston KA. Medication non-adherence before hospitalization for acute cardiac events. Journal of Health Communication. Oct 2015:20(2):34-42.


McNaughton CD, Cavanaugh KL, Kripalani S, Rothman RL, Wallston KA. Validation of a short, 3-item version of the Subjective Numeracy Scale. Medical Decision Making. Apr 2015:35(8):932-936.


Nugent LE, Carson M, Zammitt NN, Smith GD, Wallston KA. Health value & perceived control over health: Behavioural constructs to support Type 2 diabetes self-management in clinical practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing August 2015: 24(15):2201-2210.


Potter LN, Wallston K, Trief P, Ulbrecht J, Juth V, Smyth J. Attributing discrimination to weight: Associations with well-being, self-care, and disease status in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. Dec 2015;38(6):863-875.


Umeukeje EM, Merighi JR, Browne T, Victoroff JN, Umanath K, Lewis JB, Ikizler TA, Wallston KA, Cavanaugh K. Self-motivation is associated with phosphorus control in end-stage renal disease. Journal of Renal Nutrition. Sept 2015:25(5):433-439.



Weinger MB, Slagle JM, Kuntz AH, Schildcrout JS, Banerjee A, Mercaldo ND, Bills JL, Wallston KA, Speroff T, Patterson ES, France DJ. A multimodal intervention improves postanesthesia care unit handovers. Anesthesia & Analgesia. Oct 2015:121(4):957-971.


White RO, Eden S, Wallston KA, Kripalani S, Barto S, Shintani A, Rothman RL. Health communication, self-care, and treatment satisfaction among low-income diabetes patients in a public health setting. Patient Education and Counseling. Feb 2015:98(2):144-149.


Wang J, Shang J, Kearney JA. Mental health disorders in home care elders: An integrative review. Geriatric Nursing. Oct 2015:37(1):44-60.


Bowen MG, Wells N, Dietrich M, Sandlin V. Art to heart: The effects of staff-created art on the postoperative rehabilitation of cardiovascular surgery patients. MEDSURG Nursing Journal. Sept 2015:24(5):349-355.


Wilbeck J, Evans D. Acute chest pain and pulmonary embolism. The Nurse Practitioner. Jan 2015:40(1):43-45.




Allen SH. Hematology. In: Kline-Tilford AM, Haut C, eds. Lippincott Certification Review: Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. 1st ed. Philadelphia, PA.: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2015


Gilmer MJ. Communication. In: Chiplis P, Corlett K, Gilmer MJ, Richardson CJ, eds. Pediatric Nursing Review and Resource Manual. 3rd ed. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Credentialing Center; 2015:348-377.

King J. Anemia. In: Burns SM, Delgado SA, eds. Acute and Critical Care Nurse Practitioner: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning. 1st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2015


King J. GERD. In: Burns SM, Delgado SA, eds. Acute and Critical Care Nurse Practitioner: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning. 1st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2015


Lauderdale J. Chapter 7: Transcultural perspectives in childbearing. In: Andrews Mm, Boyle JS, eds. Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA.: Wolters Kluwer; 2015:120-152.


Mulvaney SA, Novak LL, Simpson CL, Slagle J. Technology and the ecology of chronic illness in everyday life. In: Botin L, Bertelsen P, Nøhr C, eds. Techno-Anthropology in Health Informatics. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press; 2015:145-156.


Pilon B, Turton-Hansen T. Nurse-Managed Health Centers and Sustainability. In: Turton-Hansen T, Sherman S, King E, eds. Nurse-Led Health Clinics: Operations, Policy, and Opportunities. 1st ed. New York, NY: Springer; 2015:67-81.


Andrews BM, Bayles S, Billante CR, Bond S, Cmelak AJ, Dowling E, Flores AM, Haman K, Murphy BM, Panarut W, Ridner S, Zatarain LA. Palliative issues in the care of patients with cancer of the head and neck. In: Cherny N, Fallon M, Kaasa S, Portenoy RK, Currow D, eds. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, 5th Edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2015:940-952.


Vanderhoef D. The Influence of Contemporary Trends and Issues on Nursing Education. In: Cherry B, Jacob S, eds. Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends & Management. 7th ed. St Lois, MO: Elsevier; 2015


Wallston KA. Control Beliefs: Health Perspectives. In: Wright JD, eds. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: Elsevier; 2015:819-821.


Weiner E, Slepski LA. Informatics Solutions for Emergency Planning and Response. In: Sabe VK, McCormick KA, eds. Essentials of Nursing Informatics. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2015:471-484.




McCook A, Nizielski S, Pope J. “Nutrition for a Changing World.” 1st ed. New York, NY: Macmillan Education and Scientific American; 2015.




Collins M. Rockford University, Distinguished Alumni of the Year, 2015; University of Michigan School of Nursing Dept. of Nurse-Midwifery, Murtland Lectureship Recipient for 2015, 2015


Gilmer M. International Women’s Leadership Association, Outstanding Leader, 2015; Faculty Award for Media Recognition, 2015; Nashville Business Journal, 2015 Health Care Hero, 2015


Hande K. Tennessee Nurses Foundation, 2015 American Nurses Advocacy Institute Fellow, 2015


Ivory C. Sara K. Archer Award for Informatics Nursing Specialty, 2015; March of Dimes, Honorary Chair, 2015


Jones P. American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), State Advocate Award, 2015


Maxwell C, Miller R, Karlekar M, Hobt-Bingham T, American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program, American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program — Best PI Abstract Award, 2015


Xu J, LaManna J, Maxwell C, Beuscher L. Common characteristics of older adults rehospitalized within 30 days of transition from hospital to SNF. Southern Nursing Research Society; Feb 2015: Orlando FL.


Moore E, Watters R. University of Texas Health Science Center, Top 5 poster award finalist in the RESEARCH category at the 2015 Summer Institute on Evidence Based Practice, 2015


Moore G. National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health, Women’s Health Research Award, 2015


Morris M. Tennessee Nurses Foundation, 2015 Scholarly Writing Contest Winner, 2015; Webb J, Thomas SP, Combs-Orme T, MCN, The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 2015 Research Paper of the Year Award, 2015


Sheppard M. Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association, Inaugural Rising Star Award, 2015




Hopkins L, Editorial Board Member, The Nurse Practitioner, 2014-present


Phillippi J, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 2015-present




Barut JK, Dietrich MS, Zanoni PA, Ridner SH. (2015). Sense of Belonging and Hope in the Lives of Persons with Schizophrenia. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 2015;30(2):178-184.


Kahn S, Davis S, Banes C, Dennis B, May A, Gunter O. Impact of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants on Surgical Residents’ Critical Care Experience. Journal of Surgical Research. 2015;199(1):7-12.


Saulters K, Hittle KM. Hepatopulmonary Syndrome in the Presence of Abernethy Malformation: A Pediatric Case Report. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 2015;29(1):104-107.


Jeffery AD. I am TNA. Tennessee Nurse. 2015;78(4):1-2.


Jeffery AD. Methodological Challenges in Examining the Impact of Healthcare Predictive Analytics on Nursing-Sensitive Patient Outcomes. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 2015;33(6):258-264.


Jeffery AD, Christen M, Moore L. Beyond a piece of paper: Learning to hire with synergy. Nursing Management. 2015;46(1):52-54.


Jeffery AD, Werthman J. Successful Orientation Strategies for Radiology Nurses. Journal of Radiology Nursing. 2015;34(2):94-99.


Mickelson RS, Willis M, Holden RJ. Medication-related cognitive artifacts used by older adults with heart failure. Health Policy and Technology. 2015;4(4):387-398.


Myers L, Stadick JL, Helget JL. Giving back: using alumni for a nursing skills day. Journal of Nursing Education. 2015;54(4):235-236.


Myers LH, Jeffery AD, Nimmagadda H, Werthman JA, Jordan K. Building a Community of Scholars: One Cohort’s Experience in an Online and Distance Education Doctor of Philosophy Program. Journal of Nursing Education. 2015; 54(11):650-654.


Hanson KE, Mansergh G, Koblin BA, Flores SA, Hudson SM, Myers L, Colfax GN. Depressive Symptoms by HIV Serostatus Are Differentially Associated with Unprotected Receptive and Insertive Anal Sex Among Substance-Using Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States. JAIDS-Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2015;68(1):e13-e16.


Tielsch-Goddard A, Gilmer MJ. The role and impact of animals with pediatric patients.  Pediatric Nursing. 2015;41  (12):65-71.


Weaver M, Stephany HA, Ching CB, Kaufman MR, Squiers A, Trusler L, Clayton DB, Tanaka ST. Transition of Urologic Patients from Pediatric to Adult Care: A Preliminary Assessment of Readiness in Spina Bifida Patients. Urology. 2015;85(4):959-963.





Thomas JC, Squiers AN, Kaufman MR, Weaver M. Sexual Function and Pregnancy in the Female Myelodysplasia Patient. In: Wood, HM, Wood, D, eds. Transition and Lifelong Care in Congenital Urology. 1st ed. New York, NY: Humana Press; 2015:45-54.






Jeffery AD, Longo MA, Nienaber A. (Staff Educator’s Guide to Professional Development: Assessing and Enhancing Nurse Competency.) 1st ed. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International; 2015.




Barut J. March of Dimes, March of Dimes Graduate Student Nurse of the Year, 2015




Barut J, Tennessee Division of Health Care, Primary Care Transformation (Health Homes) Technical Advisory Group Member, 8/2015-12/2015


Baise P, American Nurses Credentialing Center, Standard Setting and Content Expert panels, 2015-Present


Hittle K, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Workforce Work Group Chair, April 2015-April 2017


Jeffery A, Tennessee Action Coalition, Board Member, April 2015-Present