Planning for Retirement

Ahhh, retirement!

These are the days you have dreamed about for your entire career. Cue sunny beaches, exotic travel, leisurely days with loved ones…

And you are READY! Or are you?

Maybe the thought of walking out of the office for the last time fills you with a sense of panic or at the very least, a sense of loss. Maybe you are not the one who is nervous, but your spouse or significant other is the one panicking!

Ironically, the retirement you work so hard for and have looked forward to for so long can become a source of excitement, but also stress and fear. Planning what life looks like beyond the office and who you become once you walk out of the building for the last time can be an extremely rewarding and fulfilling time in your life. This is one of those situations where an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The more you plan before you seek to the leave the office, the happier and more successful you may be in life after it.

Ready to start planning for your transition?  Let’s get started!

  1. Listen to our webinar Life Stages: Planning for Retirement.  (Please note the audio begins at the 5:30 minute mark.)
  2. Use our dynamic online tool to take stock of how you are currently spending your time. Compare the distribution of your time now with how you would like to spend your time after you retire. (Coming Soon!)
  3. Download our Planning for Retirement Worksheet. Print a copy of the worksheet for you and a copy for your spouse or significant other. Each of you should fill this worksheet out on your own. Take your time! Reflect, review, and revise.
    (Click here for a List of Values.)
  4. Come together with your spouse or significant other to compare notes. You might be surprised at some of the similarities and differences in your expectations for life after you retire.
  5. Work together with your spouse or significant other to identify disparities between your expectations, revise your plan, and determine the immediate next steps you can take before you retire to begin laying your foundation and create the life you desire.
  6. Finally…Have fun! Dream big! Explore! Experiment! Enjoy!


And of course, if you are a little too overwhelmed to go at it alone…let one of our executive coaches be your guide. Click here for more information on the Owen Coaching Network.