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Robinson, Renã, Departments of Chemistry and Neurology

Renã A.S. Robinson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Dorothy J. Wingfield Phillips Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow
Department of  Neurology
Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center
Training Faculty, Vanderbilt Brain Institute
Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology
615-343-0129 (office)

RASR Laboratory uses state-of-the art proteomics and mass spectrometry technology to further our understanding of aging and age-related diseases.

We are particularly interested in aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and sepsis and the role of the periphery. We are excited to use our technology to understand the molecular basis of racial and ethnic disparities in aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and sepsis. Our health applications require high-throughput analytical methodology and to that end, we specialize in developing novel proteomics approaches involving mass spectrometry that are useful for analyzing complex biological tissues, increasing sample multiplexing capability, and studying oxidative post-translational modifications. We are also working on high-throughput lipidomics methods using mass spectrometry for human bodily fluids.

For more information, please visit the lab website.