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CIEE Valparaiso: Liberal Arts

Valparaiso, courtesy of Sarah Frances Moredock

Brochure By ID

CIEE Valparaiso: Liberal Arts


Program terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring
Restrictions: Vanderbilt applicants only
Type of Program: Study Center/University Hybrid
Costs: Budget Sheets
Academic Calendar: Extends into Summer Months
Key Dates:
Term Application Deadline Program Dates

In this program, facilitated by CIEE, students experience a combination of study center and university courses in Vaparaiso, a city situated on the shores of the Pacific. This program aims to provide students with first-hand knowledge of contemporary Chilean coastal city life and society and accomplishes this goal through university coursework alongside Chilean classmates, and a homestay with a Chilean host family. Outside of coursework, students can explore iconic sites, such as La Sebastiana, home of Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda, or the Chilean National Congress. For students who are interested, there is no shortage of outdoor activities in Vaparaiso; students can find things to do from climbing to kayaking and more.

Students wishing to enroll in CIEE Valparaiso: Liberal Arts must have completed at least one SPAN class at the 3000-level. Applicants must have SPAN 3303 on their transcript in order to receive credit toward the Literature distribution of their Spanish major/minor. Students should be sure to check the external section of their Vanderbilt transcript to verify any transfer or AP credit on their record. Students should consult the Undergraduate Course Catalogue for details and limitations. Contact the GEO advisor or the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Spanish with questions.  

For more information, visit program homepage.

Fact Sheet

Housing: Homestay
Minimum GPA: 2.75
Language of Instruction: Spanish
Language prerequisite: Yes
Additional prerequisites: N/A
Costs: Budget Sheets
Student contacts: Peer alumni

Photo: Valparaiso, courtesy of Sarah Frances Moredock

GEO Advisor

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