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Michael D. Bess Department of History. Twentieth-century European history with an emphasis on the social and cultural impacts of technological change.

Katherine B. Crawford Department of History. Gender history with an emphasis on early modern France and Europe.

Daniel Gervais, Law School. Vanderbilt Intellectual Property Program; Director of LL.M.

Joel Harrington Department of History.  Reformation and early modern Germany with emphasis on social history, particularly marriage, children, and the family.

Jessie Hock, Department of English. Renaissance Poetry.

Kelly Oliver Department of Philosophy. 19th and 20th Century Continental Philosophy, especially Nietzsche, and Contemporary French Philosophy, particularly Kristeva.

Philip D. Rasico Department of Spanish and Portuguese.  Hispano-Romance Linguistics, Romance Linguistics, Catalan Language and Linguistics, Language and Toponymy of Roussillon (Northern Catalonia).

William Caferro Department of History. History of Medieval and Renaissance Italy.