Jason de Koff
Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Tennessee State University
Dr. de Koff focuses on both research and Extension activities related to agriculture. His current research focuses on identifying the best winter canola varieties for Tennessee farmers and the use of biochar (charcoal) amendments in enhancing soil health and producing switchgrass, a bioenergy feedstock. At TSU, his Extension projects include the areas of bioenergy, soil health and drones. He uses a mobile biodiesel demonstration trailer throughout Tennessee to talk to farmers and youth about bioenergy and how it can be produced on the farm. Dr. de Koff also engages with local Extension agents and stakeholders on ways to improve soil health and provides soil health test kits to agents to help them assess issues in the field. His drone project relates to workshops that provide farmers with important information and hands-on experiences in drone operation to aid in their decision-making. This project also features a youth component that allows the use of drones to enhance students’ understanding of important STEM principles. Dr. de Koff serves as a collaborator for the Earth Horizons project.