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Digital Dissertations Initiative

Posted by on Thursday, October 13, 2016 in DH Center Blog.

Meets Alternate Thursdays, 1-2 pm, in the Digital Humanities Center, 344 Buttrick Hall.

8830572_c53c6b5dcb_zAs research and communication practices associated with digital humanities gain acceptance within the academy, an increasing number of graduate students express interest in creating multimodal chapters or companions to their “traditional” humanities dissertations. This working group will investigate experiments with multimodal dissertations at other universities and existing attitudes at Vanderbilt concerning digital scholarly communication and the humanities dissertation. The group will identify cultural and technological factors that shape the possibility for successful digital dissertation components, and create a report and recommendations for Vanderbilt based on these findings and on the experiences and perspectives of current graduate students with an interest in digital humanities.  For information, contact or

See the DH Calendar for more precise scheduling information.