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Leah Roberts

Doctoral Student, Department of Human & Organizational Development

Peer Sex Education for LGBTQI Youth

Leah will partner with the Nashville Oasis Center’s Students of Stonewall Program to design and implement a local peer sex education program centering on the LGBTQ experience. Her goal is to produce a curriculum which addresses the process of engaging youth in the development of a peer-led sex education agenda that centers their needs and experiences.  Project participants will identify and create a product, such as public service messages about youth and sex education or an arts-based product such as a short film or performance about their experiences with sex education in TN.

Leah is an educator and researcher who focuses on anti-oppressive analysis, collective liberation, and shame-free sexuality. She has over 12 years of experience creating sex-positive, queer, and anti-racist spaces for learning, self-growth, and community organizing. Leah is currently a second year Ph.D. student in Community Research and Action at Vanderbilt University. She attempts to destabilize structural, institutional and symbolic violence in her methodological and pedagogical approaches. In addition to her graduate studies, she co-coordinates an affinity group on queer identity, helps run a youth research and advocacy project on racial justice, serves as a mentor for a peer-led sex education program, and facilitates sex positive, trauma-informed, and queer and trans* affirming sex education workshops for adults and youth.