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Magic Cron System

Magic Cron System

The Magic Cron System was created by Brandon D. Valentine.  The cron.magic system allows you to add cron jobs to all the systems in the structbio NIS domain without having to login to each system. The system is located in /sb/admin/cron and all of its configuration and log files reside there. This system allows you to create both hourly and daily cron jobs on a system-wide basis as well as an operating system specific basis.

The following files control cron.magic’s behavior:
cron.magic – this is the actual script which launches the other cronjobs, the only user-configurable parameter in this file is $dailytime which defines the time each day the daily cronjobs are run
hourly.all – hourly system-wide cronjobs
hourly.OS_NAME – i.e. IRIX or Linux, hourly OS specific cronjobs
daily.all – daily system-wide cronjobs
daily.OS_NAME – daily OS specific cronjobs