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Lisa Gitelman (NYU) at Vanderbilt, January 18-19, 2018

Posted by on Tuesday, January 2, 2018 in Uncategorized.

CMAP is proud to host media scholar Lisa Gitelman (New York University) on January 18 & 19, 2018, at Vanderbilt University. Gitelman is a media historian whose research concerns American book history, techniques of inscription, and the new media of yesterday and today. She is particularly concerned with tracing the patterns according to which new media become meaningful within and against the contexts of older media. Her most recent book is entitled Paper Knowledge: Toward A Media History of Documents (Duke University Press 2014). She has an edited collection, Raw Data” Is an Oxymoron (MIT 2013). Previous works include Always Already New: Media, History, and the Data of Culture (MIT Press 2006).

On January 18, Gitelman will kick off a panel discussion entitled, “Why Media Studies Matters as Never Before” (4.15 pm, Buttrick 344). Jennifer Fay (CMA & CMAP) and Claire Sisco King (Communications Studies & CMAP) will serve as Gitelman’s respondents; Lutz Koepnick will moderate the event.

On January 19, Gitelman will present work in progress in the context of the Film Theory and Visual Culture Seminar at the Penn Warren Center. The title of her presentation is “Emoji Dick and World Communication” (12 – 2 pm, Penn Warren Center).