Supporting You at Every Step!

The CIT offers highly flexible data acquisition and molecular omics data analysis approaches for global untargeted (hypothesis-generating) and/or targeted (hypothesis-driven) metabolomics analyses workflows.

We are a full-service lab allowing you to avoid a long learning curve and get results faster.

Our Center has invested heavily in licensing to provide personnel and collaborators access to next-generation software and small molecule libraries/databases. Consequently, the CIT has ten shared computer workstations for data acquisition, control, and analysis. Three of these workstations are dedicated to offline data visualization, processing, and analysis.

For the purpose of data handling, our shared resource center has a dedicated full-time computer programmer/ software analyst to assist in streamlining data analysis, developing in-house programs to support workflows, maintaining and updating all data workstations, and automating data storage backup of all instrumentation. Complementary, the CIT houses a 24 TB RAID storage bank where all data (original and metadata) is automatically archived onto backup servers to support the breadth of CIT activities.

  • Data Alignment & Feature Detection

    Application of linear and nonlinear retention time corrections, peak deconvolution and isotope ratio grouping.

  • Feature Prioritization

    Analysis and/or Plotting Strategies:

    • Principal Component Analysis
    • Multivariate Statistical Analysis
    • Heat Maps
    • ANOVA/t-test
    • Self Organizing Map Analysis
    • Volcano Plots
    • Network Activity Prediction
  • Metabolite Identification

    Unique feature to validated metabolite identification assignments.

The CIT utilizes numerous open source, custom developed in-house, and commercially acquired software packages for molecular omics analysis. In addition, these packages are populated with various open source and commercially available libraries for feature prioritization, identification, and validation.