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Educational Components in Your Grant Proposal? The CFT Can Help!

Posted by on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 in News.

“The CFT consultant’s comments and suggestions greatly improved the educational components of my NSF grant proposal, making it a true CAREER one.” – Assistant Professor, Arts & Science

Many research grants now require faculty members applying for them to consider educational initiatives that will broaden the impact of the grant.  CFT consultants are available to support Vanderbilt grant writers in a variety of ways. From meeting one time to discuss the educational components of a grant application, to ongoing conversations about the design of assessment strategies, the CFT can help.  CFT consultants are well versed in current research and literature on best practices in university teaching and can help to connect grant writers with important resources.  The CFT can help principal investigators and other grant team members develop the capacity to effectively address broader impact funding criteria, integrating teaching and research efforts.  Grant-funded educational initiatives can often benefit from existing CFT programming, and the CFT regularly writes letters of support for grant writers.

The first step is to schedule a consultation with one of the CFT’s senior staff.  During this conversation we can explore the different ways in which the CFT can support your grant. To make an appointment, simply call us at 322-7290.

Image: “Money, Money, Money” by  Flickr user Borman818 / Creative Commons licensed


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