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Associating a Quiz with the Gradebook

You can associate your Quiz to your gradebook by creating a Grade Item with the same name. You can create the Grade Item ahead of time in your gradebook by following these instructions, or you can create the grade item while you are creating your quiz (below).


Updated Spring 2022

Link a Quiz to the Gradebook

  1. Go to Activities & Assessments -> Quizzes -> and then click on the dropdown icon next to your quiz. Select Edit.
  2. Now that you are in Quiz edit mode, click on the Assessment tab. Here you can 1) Allow automatic grading, 2) Link to an existing Grade Item or create a new one, and 3) Automatically export the grades to the gradebook.

If you need to create a grade item, click on [add grade item]. Your grade item should have the same name as your quiz, or something very similar. You can enter information about the grade item at this point, or you can edit it at a later time. Click Save to close the window.

Note that only certain types of questions can be graded upon completion. If your questions require a written response or short answer, you will need to grade those manually.

You can also add a grading Rubric on this page, determine how many quiz Attempts are allowed, and which attempt should be saved. When you have made all your grading selections, click Save and Close.