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Travel Awards

Travel Awards available for Graduate Students in Biostatistics

Description: Limited funding, in the form of a travel award, is available to Biostatistics graduate students in the Department of Biostatistics. These awards are intended to support travel to scientific meetings

1. Present work in the form of a talk or poster.
2. Meet with existing or new collaborators to promote or develop collaborations.
3. Further one’s education through a ‘short-course’ or other educational activity.
4. Join professional organizations such as ASA, Biometrics Society, or SCT.

The Travel Awards are disbursed from a gift fund consisting of donations to the department of
Biostatistics. Students may apply for one travel award per budget year (July 1-June 30) for domestic or international travel. We anticipate having funds for 4 travel awards per academic year with a maximum of $2,000 per award. The number and amount of these awards available may change in the future depending on fund’s financial stability.

Applications: Whenever possible, applications for these awards should be submitted at least three months before the planned travel. The application should be in the form of a letter from the student to the Director of Graduate Studies describing the reason for the travel (~half-page), listing the anticipated costs, and it should include a description of the work to be presented (e.g., the conference abstract if applicable); the letter must be signed by the student and their advisor or faculty mentor.

Preference for awards will be given to students requesting funds to present a talk or present a poster at a scientific conference. If the funds are requested for specific educational needs or to develop or promote collaborations, the letter should sufficiently describe the purpose of the travel and the anticipated gains from this opportunity. Applications will be reviewed and approved by the Director of Graduate Studies in Biostatistics and the Travel Fund Award committee.

Eligibility: Graduate students in good standing in the department of Biostatistics. Preference will be given to students with seniority and to travel that facilitates/enhances thesis research. Students may supplement the award by other sources. Please see the Biostatistics Graduate Program Manager (Chazlie Miller) prior to making travel arrangements.