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V150: Voice for Democracy

Jul. 24, 2023—Vanderbilt’s LAPOP Lab is the premier academic institution carrying out surveys of public opinion in the Americas.

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Vanderbilt neuroscientist leading international research to explore multisensory perception development in children

Jul. 23, 2023—Neuroscientist Mark Wallace is spearheading a research consortium focused on childhood multisensory perception development. The international team includes researchers from Yale University, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and Italian Institute...

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International collaboration including Vanderbilt astrophysicists discover ‘forbidden planet’

Jul. 16, 2023—Aging stars expand and eventually destroy planets in their inner systems. Or do they? A team of researchers that includes Keivan Stassun finds evidence of a planet that survived its star’s transformation, and that is reshaping our understanding of plan...

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Evolutionary biologists determine that culture shapes genetics within, not just between, populations

Jun. 28, 2023—Nicole Creanza and Yakov Pichkar explore whether subtle cultural differences within a language mirror genetic structure within a population. The answer: Even small cultural differences like dialect can influence the spread of people and genes.

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Scientists led by Vanderbilt astronomer Stephen Taylor use exotic stars to tune in to ‘hum’ from cosmic symphony

Jun. 27, 2023—Led by Stephen Taylor, assistant professor of physics and astronomy, a collaborative effort across 88 institutions has identified evidence of slowly undulating gravitational waves passing through our galaxy.

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Scientist who helped prove Einstein theory opens doors to black holes for students with diverse majors

Jun. 25, 2023—Vanderbilt astrophysicist Karan Jani helped prove Einstein's theory of relativity as it relates to black holes and gravitational waves. Learn how he's using his expertise to teach undergrads with diverse majors who are eager to learn about space.

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Transmission of vaccine-hesitant beliefs among parents is a key predictor of vaccination coverage and disease risk among children

Jun. 19, 2023—Vanderbilt biologists Nicole Creanza and Kerri-Ann Anderson have developed a new mathematical model, rooted in cultural evolution, that represents vaccine hesitancy as a belief that can influence, but not perfectly predict, whether parents will decide ...

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inter+SECTIONS: LGBTQ Health + Public Policy with Gilbert Gonzales

Jun. 15, 2023—Gilbert Gonzales, assistant professor of medicine, health, and society, works at the intersection of LGBTQ health and public policy. A subject area where there once was limited data, Gonzales and colleagues have worked to bolster the research available to help inform both the public and the decision makers who form policies that affect health outcomes...

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Amanda Lea and Wenhan Zhu named 2023 Pew Biomedical Scholars

Jun. 13, 2023—Vanderbilt researchers Amanda Lea and Wenhan Zhu have been named 2023 Pew Biomedical Scholars. The Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding to young investigators of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of ...

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28 Vanderbilt students named 2023 NSF Graduate Research Fellows

Jun. 12, 2023—The National Science Foundation has selected 28 Vanderbilt students for its 2023 Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

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