In the Media
USA Today: Voting is a patriotic duty. If you don’t know these terms, it can be a confusing one.
Oct. 27, 2020
(Larry Bartels, May Werthan Shayne Professor of Public Policy and Social Science, quoted)
The Economist: The plot against Gretchen Whitmer
Oct. 17, 2020
(Amy Cooter, senior lecturer in sociology, quoted)
Tampa Bay Times: ‘I didn’t want to live.’ How incarceration hits loved ones left behind.
Oct. 14, 2020
(Evelyn Patterson, associate professor of sociology, quoted)
The Conversation: Lessons from embedding with the Michigan militia – 5 questions answered about the group allegedly plotting to kidnap a governor
Oct. 9, 2020
(Amy Cooter, senior lecturer in sociology, authored)
Reuters: Five things to watch in the first Trump-Biden debate
Sep. 28, 2020
(John Geer, Ginny and Conner Searcy Dean of the College of Arts and Science, quoted)
The Grio: Questions raised about census after court rules against shortening count
Sep. 27, 2020
(Larry Bartels, professor of political science, quoted)
Metro Philadelphia: What to expect from the first Trump vs. Biden debate?
Sep. 27, 2020
(John Koch, senior lecturer in communication studies and director of debate, quoted)
Forbes: As The Far-Right Group ‘Proud Boys’ Rallies In Portland — Is This What November Will Look Like?
Sep. 26, 2020
(Amy Cooter, senior lecturer in sociology, quoted)
NBC News: America’s racial reckoning is putting a spotlight on Black mental health
Sep. 26, 2020
(Jonathan Metzl, Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health and Society, quoted)
Scientific American: Bird Brains Are Far More Humanlike Than Once Thought
Sep. 24, 2020
(Suzana Herculano-Houzel, associate professor of psychology, quoted)