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In the Media

NBC News: Experts believe a contagion effect could be tied to recent mass shootings

Apr. 21, 2021

(Jonathan Metzl, Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health and Society, quoted)

Insider: 4 of the victims in the Indianapolis FedEx mass shooting were members of the Sikh community

Apr. 17, 2021

(Jonathan Metzl, Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health and Society, quoted)

Washington Post: Trump didn’t bring White working-class voters to the Republican Party. The data suggest he kept them away.

Apr. 14, 2021

(Noam Lupu, associate professor of political science and associate director of the Latin American Public Opinion Project, co-authored)

WTVF: Supporting the Asian American community amid rise in hate crimes

Apr. 13, 2021

(Ben Tran, associate professor of Asian studies, interviewed)

SciTech Daily: Astronomers Sketch U Monocerotis – A Rare Type of Stellar Binary – Using Over a Century of Observations

Apr. 11, 2021

(Keivan Stassun, professor of astronomy, and former graduate student Laura Vega, quoted)

The New York Times: Conservative Ex-Banker Headed to Victory in Presidential Election in Ecuador

Apr. 11, 2021

(Carwil Bjork-James, assistant professor of anthropology, quoted)

The Verge: Unionizing Amazon warehouses was never going to be easy

Apr. 10, 2021

(Daniel Cornfield, professor of sociology, quoted)

San Francisco Chronicle: Caitlyn Jenner is no Arnold Schwarzenegger. And she’s no threat to Newsom

Apr. 9, 2021

(Eunji Kim, assistant professor of political science, quoted)

The Hindu: Polar bears forced to forage eggs as warming shrinks hunting grounds: study

Apr. 8, 2021

(Larisa DeSantis, associate professor of earth and environmental sciences, research highlighted)