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In the Media

Reuters: Americans divided on party lines over risk from coronavirus: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Mar. 6, 2020

(Robert Talisse, W. Alton Jones Professor of Philosophy, quoted)

Reuters: Americans divided on party lines over risk from coronavirus: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Mar. 6, 2020

(Robert Talisse, W. Alton Jones Professor of Philosophy, quoted)

Voice of America: Coronavirus fears could become defining US election issue

Mar. 5, 2020

(Thomas Schwartz, Distinguished Professor of History, quoted)

Medium: Milestones in the African American church

Mar. 4, 2020

(Lewis Baldwin, professor of religious studies, emeritus, quoted)

Voice of America: Trump weighs in on Democrats after Biden’s Super Tuesday

Mar. 4, 2020

(Thomas Schwartz, Distinguished Professor of History, quoted)

Times of India: Gaining weight? Blame your food timings!

Mar. 4, 2020

(The research of Carl Johnson, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Biological Sciences, highlighted)

USA Today: A state-by-state breakdown of what to watch for on Super Tuesday, where 15 contests are up for grabs

Mar. 2, 2020

(John Geer, Ginny and Conner Searcy Dean of the College of Arts and Science and professor of political science, quoted)

ABC News: Trump campaign turning MAGA rallies into slick, locally targeted TV ads

Mar. 2, 2020

(John Geer, Ginny and Conner Searcy Dean of the College of Arts and Science and professor of political science, quoted)

BBC News | Brazil : Como eram as primeiras criaturas a habitar a Terra

Mar. 1, 2020

(Simon Darroch, assistant professor of earth and environmental sciences, quoted)

The Jewish Observer: Rabbis highlight ties that bind through Torah

Feb. 28, 2020

(Shaul Kelner, associate professor of sociology and Jewish studies, quoted)