In the Media
BBC: Religion: What will remain if the existence of extraterrestrials is confirmed?
Jun. 30, 2021
(David Weintraub, professor of astronomy, quoted.)
The Conversation: Defund the police? Actually, police salaries are rising in departments across the United States
Jun. 29, 2021
(Laurie Woods, senior lecturer of sociology, authored.)
Bloomberg: New water wars are coming in the American West
Jun. 28, 2021
(Amanda Little, writer-in-residence in English, quoted.)
The Conversation: How colonialism’s legacy makes it harder for countries to escape poverty and fossil fuels today
Jun. 28, 2021
(Patrick Greiner, assistant professor of sociology, authored.)
Yahoo! Finance: Why the Teamsters union drive at Amazon could succeed where Bessemer faltered
Jun. 25, 2021
(Daniel Cornfield, professor of sociology, quoted.)
The Washington Post: Kenya might expel refugees to their home countries
Jun. 25, 2021
(Kristin Michelitch, assistant professor of political science, co-authored.)
The Conversation: What today’s GOP demonstrates about the dangers of partisan conformity
Jun. 25, 2021
(Robert Talisse, W. Alton Jones Chair in Philosophy, authored.)
The Nashville Ledger: Are sports fans tuning out?
Jun. 25, 2021
(John Koch, senior lecturer of communication studies, quoted.)
Los Angeles Times: Juneteenth is now a federal holiday. Many Americans still get the history wrong
Jun. 18, 2021
(Brandon Byrd, assistant professor of history, quoted.)
WTVF: President Biden and President Putin meet
Jun. 17, 2021
(WTVF-TV interviewed Thomas Schwartz, Distinguished Professor of History.)