PBS Newshour: Why mental illness can’t predict mass shootings
Aug. 7, 2019—(Jonathan Metzl, Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health and Society, quoted)
Science News: How pieces of live human brain are helping scientists map nerve cells
Aug. 7, 2019—(Suzana Herculano-Houzel, Associate Professor of Psychology, quoted)
Washington Post: After a weekend of mass shootings, Democrats are cursing inaction on guns — literally
Aug. 6, 2019—(Vanessa Beasley, Associate Professor of Communication Studies, quoted)
Time: Donald Trump’s own words undermine his case after El Paso shooting
Aug. 5, 2019—(Vanessa Beasley, Associate Professor of Communication Studies, quoted)
National Geographic: Saber-tooth surprise: Fossils redraw picture of the fearsome big cat
Aug. 5, 2019—(Larisa DeSantis, Associate Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, quoted)
GQ: What research shows about the alleged link between mental illness and gun violence
Aug. 5, 2019—(Jonathan Metzl, Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, and Kenneth MacLeish, Associate Professor of Medicine, Health and Society, research highlighted)
NPR, 1A: A Pair Of Mass Shootings
Aug. 5, 2019—(Jonathan Metzl, Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health and Society, featured)
Public News Service: TN Proclamation Law Aimed at Keeping “Memory of the Confederacy Alive”
Aug. 5, 2019—(Richard Blackett, Andrew Jackson Professor of American History, interviewed)
Wall Street Journal: White nationalists pose challenge to investigators
Aug. 5, 2019—(Jonathan Metzl, Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health and Society, quoted)
New York Times: A battle is raging in the tree of life
Aug. 2, 2019—(Antonis Rokas, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Biological Sciences, quoted)