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Medical News Today: Eating before bed delays fat burning

Apr. 23, 2020—(Carl Johnson, Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair in Biological Sciences, quoted)

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CNBC: Coronavirus could push Americans to lobby for a social safety net like Europe’s, experts say

Apr. 20, 2020—(Joshua Clinton, Abby and Jon Winkelried Professor of Political Science, quoted)

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NPR: Who Is Most Vulnerable To COVID-19? And Other Questions Answered

Apr. 13, 2020—(Renã Robinson, associate professor of chemistry and Global Voices Fellow, interviewed)

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Vox: Why Bernie Sanders failed

Apr. 10, 2020—(John Sides, professor of political science, quoted)

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U.S. News and World Report: A very Trump response

Apr. 10, 2020—(Vanessa Beasley, vice provost for academic affairs, dean of residential faculty and associate professor of communication studies, quoted)

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WTVF: Nashville to release COVID-19 cases by race as African Americans hit harder by virus nationwide

Apr. 8, 2020—(Renã Robinson, associate professor of chemistry, interviewed)

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The New Yorker: Experiencing the coronavirus pandemic as a kind of zombie apocalypse

Apr. 6, 2020—(Lorrie Moore, Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Chair in English, authored)

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U.S. News and World Report: Can Democracy survive coronavirus?

Apr. 3, 2020—(John Geer, Ginny and Conner Searcy Dean of the College of Arts and Science and professor of political science, quoted)

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