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FOX News: Expelled Tennessee lawmakers seek reappointment

Apr. 12, 2023—Carrie Russell, principal senior lecturer of political science, interviewed.

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WPLN: What the expulsion of two representatives tells us about Tennessee

Apr. 12, 2023—Cindy Kam, William R. Kenan, Jr. professor of political science, and Erin York, assistant professor of political science, interviewed.

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The Independent: Nashville votes to reinstate Justin Jones, Tennessee legislator expelled by Republicans for gun protest

Apr. 12, 2023—Carrie Russell, principal senior lecturer of political science, quoted.

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WPLN: ‘Whiskey fungus’ is covering this Tennessee town. Jack Daniel’s ethanol pollution is to blame.

Apr. 12, 2023—Antonis Rokas, Cornelius Vanderbilt professor of biological sciences, quoted.

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Time: Why other state legislatures might hesitate to copy Tennessee’s lawmaker expulsions

Apr. 12, 2023—Bruce Oppenheimer, professor of political science, emeritus, quoted.

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The Wall Street Journal: How the ‘Tennessee Three’ turned GOP’s rebuke into a rallying cry

Apr. 12, 2023—John Geer, Ginny and Conner Searcy Dean of the College of Arts and Science, quoted.

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The Wall Street Journal: Tennessee’s political divisions deepen between state and its cities

Apr. 10, 2023—Carrie Russell, principal senior lecturer of political science, quoted.

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Insider: The Boom-Bust Generation

Apr. 10, 2023—Lucie Kalousova, assistant professor of medicine, health and society, quoted.

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Voice of America: Ouster of State Lawmakers Draws Nation’s Eyes to Tennessee

Apr. 10, 2023—Bruce Oppenheimer, professor of political science, emeritus, quoted.

Read more As head of weaponization committee, attack dog Jim Jordan insists he’s not just playing at political theater

Apr. 10, 2023—Alan Wiseman, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Political Science, quoted.

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