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The Week: 2023 Pulitzer Prize-winning books, in review

May. 17, 2023—Jefferson Cowie, James G. Stahlman Chair of American History, featured.

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Axios Nashville: Nashville ranks No. 4 in best-performing cities

May. 17, 2023—The Vanderbilt University Poll, cited.

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EFE: Diversity in Hollywood, an achievement that boasts but is still not enough

May. 15, 2023—Claire Sisco King, associate professor of communication studies, quoted.

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Wall Street Journal: Go to Dubai. Then Topeka. Why? Because astrology said so.

May. 15, 2023—Edward Wright-Rios, Mellin Foundation Professor and professor of history, quoted

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Psychology Today: What do we really know about mass shootings?

May. 12, 2023—Jonathan Metzl, Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health, and Society, and Tara McKay, assistant professor of medicine, health and society, cited.

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Forbes: Your soap might make you more attractive to mosquitoes—here’s why

May. 12, 2023—Laurence Zwiebel, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Biological Sciences, quoted.

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WTVF Channel 5: Vanderbilt University Poll: 2023 Nashville Edition

May. 10, 2023—John Geer, Ginny and Conner Searcy Dean of the College of Arts and Science, interviewed.

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